App Management: How do I create custom user fields in Simpplr?

You're able to create 25 additional, custom fields (Note: Prior to the Jackson release, the maximum number of custom fields is 5) to add for user syncing. You can use these fields to help create your audiences as well. 

If your syncing source is Salesforce, follow the steps below to create a custom field in Salesforce.

For other syncing sources such as Okta, Workday, etc., click the links below to learn more.






Some fields in Simpplr are hard-coded and cannot be changed, like Expertise, Department, First and Last name, Hire date, Birthday, etc. If you'd like to title these fields something else, we recommend not using them and instead, using custom fields with your own label.

Custom user sync fields

In addition to the standard syncing fields, you're able to add up to 25 custom fields per user from your syncing source. Examples of these fields you may use are Office/Location, District, Employee Level, Onsite or Remote, etc. You can use these custom fields for audience creation in Simpplr.


Once created, the names of custom fields must not be edited. If you'd like to change the field name, you'll need to create a new field. If you edit the name of the field your instance will go offline until you change it back.  

To create a new custom field in the User object in Salesforce (see above links for other syncing sources):

  1. As your org's System admin user, enter the following url into your browser, being sure to replace "mydomain" with the name of your company's Simpplr/Salesforce instance: https://my
  2. Scroll down to User Custom Fields and click New.
    1. You could also go to your Salesforce instance by removing everything after .com in your Simpplr home URL. Then go to Setup. Type "users" into the Quick Find box and choose Fields under the Build > Users tab in the navigation.
  3. Select Text as the option, then click Next. You can also choose Picklist if you want to have the users select from a dropdown of options. 
  4. Enter the field label. This will be the name of the field that shows up for your users. Then for length, enter 255. This is the max characters allowed. The Field Name should populate automatically. When finished, click Next.
  5. You won't need to change anything on the next screen. Click Next. Then on the following screen, click Save.

Now you're able to see the new fields in Salesforce under each user's personal information. To find this, type Users into the Quick Find box. Click Edit on any user and scroll down to Additional Information.


Remember the API name of the field label you just created. You'll need that later. To find this, go to the User Custom Fields section of Salesforce (the same link as above) and find your new label in the list. Next to it, you'll see the API name.


To add the new custom field to Simpplr, navigate back to Simpplr.

  1. From your user profile, go to Manage > Application > People > User syncing. Scroll down to Add field.
  2. Type in the API name of the label you created above (or the field label that matches the one created in your syncing source if not using Salesforce). Also type the singular and plural version of the field label. Then click Add.
  3. Click Save. Your user field is now added to User syncing. It will also be available in the Profile fields section, allowing your users to see the field in their profile. You're able to hide these if you wish by going to Profile fields > Custom profile fields and unchecking the box next to the field, then clicking Save


Custom profile fields


App managers see ALL fields in user profiles regardless of whether they’ve been checked to display or not in the Profile fields interface.

Custom profile fields are created and displayed in in the Custom profile fields section at the bottom of the Profile fields section. These fields are shown on the End user's profile, and can be made editable by the user. Some examples may include: Your favorite movie, LinkedIn profile link, Myers Briggs/Personality Colors, Pronouns, Nickname, etc. 

These custom profile fields:

  • MUST exist/be created in Salesforce (follow steps 1 thru 5 above)
  • Can be synced from SSO to Salesforce, manually entered in Salesforce, or user-editable

  • Can be HTML for image display and clickable links. You have to enter HTML code in the field. For example, if you want to display a clickable link, you have to enter something like this <a href=””> Simpplr</a>. Note that the field has a 255 character limit

  • If user-editable, can include a select or multi-select list set up in Salesforce. When creating the field in Salesforce (step 3 above), instead of Text, select Picklist or Picklist (multi-select) and follow on-screen instructions to create the values for users to select. If you choose Picklist, users can only select one option. If using Picklist (multi-select), users can select multiple options in their profile

  • Cannot be used for audiences or as a People filter

Once the field is created in Salesforce, go back to Simpplr, go to Manage > Application > People > Profile fields. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add field. You can select the field you just created from the dropdown. If the field is user editable, check the User editable box. If the field will contain HTML code, check Field is HTML.

All custom fields checked to display in Profile fields will display in the Additional details section in users' profiles in the My settings section, and will display in the Details section on initial profile page if there is data present in the field. You can add up to 25 custom profile fields. 


The order of the custom fields appearance can be changed via the UI in the Custom profile fields section at the bottom of Profile fields.


People category field

This option allows you to create a custom, displayed single-select field without needing to first set up anything on the backend. This function adds another filter for searching people within your organization.

People categories are created in People category but not displayed in Profile fields. Since this is specifically created as a user-editable field it will NOT display in the Profile fields.

  • Created directly within this Simpplr interface (no setup needed within Salesforce)
  • Can only be a single-select list


To create a People category:

  1. Go to Manage > Manage application > People > People category and choose Enable people category. Then input the singular and plural names for the selection.
  2. Add as many category options as you'd like, then click Save. Now users will be able to choose from the picklist in their details section of their profile.
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  • Hi Matthew! Hope you're having a good day!
    If we'd like to update the LABEL of the custom field (i.e. from this page's use case: hair color > eye color)
    How would we go about doing that?

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Hi Aileen. To update the label of a custom field, you'll need to go to being sure to replace "domainname" with your org's actual domain name. Then scroll down to User Custom Fields and click Edit next to whatever you'd like to update. The Field Label will be the first thing you can change on that screen. 

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