App Management: People

User provisioning

The User provisioning section allows you to manually provision users, or like most customers, select your SSO provider to add users to the intranet. Simpplr integrates with a number of provisioning softwares (SSO and HRIS), including:

To learn more about connecting SSO to Simpplr, click here.

This section also allows you to provision new users via CSV file if you're not using a provider listed above. To do so, select Simpplr User Services from the dropdown list. Follow the instructions in this help article for more information on CSV user provisioning. 


User syncing

To keep user data up-to-date, you can synchronize your profile data from your synching source to Simpplr.

You can choose Salesforce, Workday, Okta, Active Directory, OneLogin, UKG Pro or Simpplr User Services as the source. 

Simpplr will synchronize user data from your selected source to Simpplr's People directory every night. This is controlled under Setup > Schedulers > SchedulerSimpplrServices.


If you select one of the SSO options, there will be a list of fields with checkboxes. You can select the fields to sync with Simpplr, then click Save. All the fields selected to synchronize are not editable in Simpplr.

You can add (up to) five additional fields to be synced from the user syncing source into Simpplr and map them to a custom label in Simpplr. This data can then be used to create segments or audiences. Optionally, they can also be displayed on user profiles.


When adding additional fields (in the modal) you will need to specify:

  1. Field to sync from
  2. Singular label (for example "Color")
  3. Plural label (for example "Colors")
  4. True/false if the filter should be displayed on the people listing


You can select and remove any of the additional fields but it would not be possible to edit or order these fields.



To make sure all new changes in your SSO source get synchronized every night, go to Manage > Application > Setup > Schedulers , click on the drop-down arrow and select Schedule next to ‘SchedulerSimpplrServices’. A nightly batch process will be initiated to sync user details from the source to Simpplr. For more information on schedulers, click here

Profile fields

You can choose which fields to display on user profiles. Once you've selected a field to be visible, you can allow users to edit that field by clicking on the User editable box.

Note that if a field is set to sync with Salesforce or Workday on the User syncing page, it will not be editable by the user.

If you want a field to be searchable, make sure it's visible.


You can also add up to 25 custom fields from the Custom profile field drop-down menu. These custom fields are created in Salesforce User records. Custom fields are not searchable.

If the field is HTML code, you can check the “Field is HTML” box. Simpplr will render the HTML. For example, if the custom field is:

<a href=””>Salesforce</a> 

Simpplr will display a clickable “Salesforce” link that takes people to Salesforce.


People category

On this page, you can create custom People categories. The category you create here will become the title for a searchable field in the People advanced search (you'll choose the actual options within the category later). From the People advanced search, you can select a category and retrieve a list of People in that category.

To create a custom People category, select the Enable people category box and enter the name of your People category. You are required to enter both a singular and plural version of the name.

For example, if your company has many teams and the teams include people from different departments, you can create a "Team" category to make it easier to find people in a certain team from the People directory.



Once you've created a People category, you need to specify the options that appear within that category. Users can select one of these options in the People advanced search. 

Click Add category option and enter the option name to create a new category option. This will generate the different possible options within the custom people category you created earlier.

For example, if your custom category label is "Team", you will add "Team 1", "Team 2”, "Team 3" here.  

You can edit or delete the category by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the category.

add_category_option.pngOnce the team is created, employees can select which team they belong to in the user profile. 




You can choose to auto assign a Simpplr license and user permission set on user creation. Best practice is to leave both these boxes checked, as the alternative is to manually update the licensing in Salesforce.




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