Matthew Rawls
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Latest activity by Matthew Rawls-
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Devon. Yes, this would be the best way to get that info for now. The idea is with our Product team for consideration to build this level of reporting into the application.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Margarette. By default, if the option is ticked at the app level, it will be ticked for the user at the profile level. If the site manager wants to receive these notifications, then they should ...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Brooke. It could be your app management settings in Manage > Application > Governance that are not allowing you to share content from that page. If the Timeline & feed settings are set only to T...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Eric. Unfortunately there's no way to do this natively in the platform. However, there are possible solutions that require some custom Javascript development from our team. Your CSM or Account M...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Rosie. While there isn't a way to control in-app notifications, you can control email, browser and mobile notifications in your user profile.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Kelly. What do you mean by "Apps" in this case? If you're referring to tiles, then the reason they're not available on mobile browser is due to screen size. The team is working on improving this...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi LaShonte. Yes, Alerts should go to private Slack channels. The person creating the Alert just needs to be a member of the Slack channel in question.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Kammie. 1. Correct. A hybrid approach can work. 2. Unfortunately there's no way to hang on to the subscriptions using a custom field. The custom fields have to be removed in order for CSV syncin...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Jenny. Yes! This idea is with our Product team for future consideration. I will add your org to the list of customers who have asked for it.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Michael. In this case "other" is referring to any of the tabs users have access to at the top of the site; Questions, Files, Feed, About. Those tab views are grouped into one with this metric.