Matthew Rawls
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Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Sarah. Yes, if you have a calendar integration like Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar, you can add events from those apps onto the dashboard as a tile.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Rosie. This article goes into a bit more detail as to what those metrics mean and how they're measured. Hope this helps!
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Clourenco. Users logged in is simply that; the number of users who logged in. That metric does not account for whether or not they took any action on the intranet. Whereas the Active users adopt...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Francine. Yes, all content within a table on a page is searched and served up in Smart answers if applicable.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Nicole. Unfortunately anchoring is limited only to headers. One potential work around could be to make the text you want to link into a Heading 4 size, that way it's not overly large in the text.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Nicole. The results should be immediate. This sounds like a bug. I recommend going to our Support team to take a look. It's hard to tell what might be happening without access to the environment.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Michelle. Selecting a Latest & popular tile will create a tile with two tabs, one for Latest, which will display the most recently added content from sites you follow or are a member of, and one...
Matthew Rawls commented, Official commentHi Krystal. You will need to have an active survey published to see the option in newsletter. Make sure you have that, and if you still don't see the option, submit a ticket to our Support team. Th...
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Karen. Yes, the color will change in that case. Here's an example.
Matthew Rawls commented, Hi Rosie. If you go to the Social interaction tab of analytics, you'll see feed metrics. And "navigation" metrics is more of a general terms for user engagement/journeys throughout the application ...