Table of Contents
Manage content from sites
Content search, sort and filters
Bulk actions
Unpublish/delete content
Manage onboarding content
There are a few ways you can manage content throughout your intranet. Note, only Application managers can edit and manage content that's not theirs. Site owners/managers can manage all content that lives on their sites.
Manage content from sites
As the Site manager or owner, navigate to the site where you're looking to manage content. Then at the top of the site dashboard, go to Manage site > Content to manage content. From the Content tab you can manage all of the content within a site regardless of state (draft, scheduled, published and unpublished).
If you manage more than one site, or are not a Site owner/manager, you can go to Manage content from your user profile image to manage your own content.
Content search, sort and filters
Search for keywords or terms using the search input or configure the filters to find the content you're looking for. You can also find content by sorting and filtering. Filters include:
- Content type (page, event, album, blog post)
- Page type (news, knowledge, either type)
- Status (draft, pending, published, rejected, unpublished, validation required, validation expired)
- Site the content was published to
Bulk actions
You can select all (maximum of 50) items or select multiple items to perform bulk actions on, like publish, validate, or delete. Some bulk actions will only ever be applied to content items that support that action. For example, only knowledge pages can be validated.
Individual items
Each content item displays its thumbnail, page type, status, title and other meta information. Options relating each item can be found in the menu on the right hand side.
Unpublish and delete content
You can unpublish content that you own/manage. This simply removes it from search results and visibility to other users. You will still see the content in your Manage content menu, and will have the options to publish, edit, delete, etc.
With the auto-validation engine, if a piece of content is not validated in its designated time, it will automatically be unpublished. The author/owner will be notified and can always go back and republish it.Deleting a piece of content removes it altogether from Simpplr. This action cannot be undone.
If a file was attached to a piece of content that was unpublished or deleted, the file remains on the site where the content had been published. Removing and deleting files must be done separately.
Manage onboarding content
Users can manage onboarding content with the New Hire Onboarding feature. App managers can grant Onboarding privileges to a list of users who can then flag/unflag content for onboarding, at both organization level and site level. These users are called Onboarding managers. Check out the New Hire Onboarding article linked above for more information.
If you've been made an Onboarding manager, you'll see a new option in your user profile dropdown called Manage onboarding content.
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