Table of Contents
Email notification frequency settings
App managers can control notification settings for users by navigating from the user profile image to Manage > Application > Defaults.
To apply new default settings to all existing users, click on the text Overwrite notification settings for all users at the bottom of the page. Users are able to manually change their own notification settings at any time.
Notification channels
Here you can set the default notifications for all users. Simpplr allows App managers to control notifications from multiple channels, including email, browser, mobile, and SMS (text messaging). Note that some types of notifications are not applicable to every source. For example, app management notifications are only applicable from the Email source.
For SMS/text notifications, a user must have their mobile number included in their user syncing data. That mobile number must also have a country code for users in the UK and Canada.
Email notification frequency
In the email section, you can choose how frequently you want to send notifications to your users by default. Users can manually change this in their own settings at any time. However, there are some email notifications that are always sent immediately, including password setup emails, updates and new responses to event invites, RSVP confirmations and scheduler errors. The user does not have control over how often these are sent.
Types of notifications
Org communications
Must reads: A must read notification notifies site members and followers of when a Site owner, manager, or Content manager makes a piece of content must read. Application managers can generate global must reads on public sites with global audience subscriptions, like a Corporate Communications or Global Human Resources site.
Alerts: Alert notifications can either be generated at the site level or globally. Application managers and specific people granted alert control can generate global alerts. For authorized sites, Site owners and managers can generate alerts for their site members and followers.
Profile & expertise
These notifications are not applicable to SMS.
Follows: Followers will be notified about that individual’s activities, including blog posts, content creation and comments on the feed and on content. Follow notifications are generated at the individual profile level. A Follow notification is generated any time a new End user follows your profile.
Expertise: Expertise are searchable meta tags associated with your profile. Expertise notifications are generated at the individual profile level. An Expertise notification is generated any time any user adds expertise to your profile, and lets you know you have a new expertise endorsement.
Replies to my posts or comments: Users can engage with content you post, either by replying, liking, sharing or following the post. Replies to my posts or comments notifications are generated at the individual comment or feed post level. A Replies to my posts or comments notification is generated any time any user replies to your Content comment or feed post.
Replies after you: Users can engage with content you post, either by replying, liking, sharing or following the post. Other users who also have access to the comment or feed post made, may respond or reply to that comment or feed post after you. Replies after you notifications are generated at the individual comment or feed post level. A Replies after your notification is generated any time any user replies to after your Content comment or feed post.
Replies to a post you liked: Users can engage with content you post, either by replying, liking, sharing or following the post. A Replies to a post you liked notification is generated when a user replies to a feed or content comment that you clicked the like button on.
Likes your post, reply or comment: Users can engage with content you post, either by replying, liking, sharing or following the post. A Likes your post, reply or comment notification is generated when a user engages with your post or reply.
Shares your post: Users can engage with this content that you post, either by replying, liking, sharing or following the post. This notification ensures the author will get notified when someone shares the post.
Mentions or posts to you: Comments made on content and posts made to the feed exist as their own little pieces of content. Users can @mention each other in the body of their feed post or content comment. This type of notification is triggered anytime a user @mentions you, either in a feed post comment or by sharing you on a post directly.
These notifications are not applicable to SMS.
Membership requests: Public and Private sites allow users to request access and membership. A Membership request notification is generated when the target site’s management team has either approved or denied your membership request.
Content notifications: By default, content on Simpplr (pages, events and albums) allows users to engage. They can like, comment, favorite, or share that content. A Content notification will be generated any time a user engages with content you authored or you have engaged with yourself. Any updates applied to content by another user will also trigger this notification.
Knowledge content validation: Content, when marked as knowledge, will fall into our auto-governance process. A Knowledge content validation notification will be generated when your content hits its auto-governance trigger date and requires validation.
Knowledge content expiration: Content, when marked as knowledge falls into our auto-governance process. When a content item reaches the end of its validation window it will automatically unpublish. A Knowledge content expiration notification will be generated when your content hits its unpublish deadline and has automatically unpublished.
Comments on my content: Content can be enabled to have comments posted at the bottom of the content itself. A Comments on my content notification will be generated any time a user comments on content you created, or content that you have chosen to be notified about.
Likes or shares on my content: Likes and shares are two engagement options that are always available. A Likes or shares on my content notification is generated any time a user likes or shares an item of content for which you are the listed author.
Content submissions: End users may submit content for publication to a site. That content submission must be approved by a member of the site management team: Site owner, Site managers, or Content managers. A notification is generated when the Site management team has taken action, either approving or rejecting your content submission.
Feedback: All content, including pages, events and albums have flags at the bottom that allow users to submit feedback. This feedback will be accessible by the Site management team and the author. A Feedback notification will be generated when a new feedback message has been submitted.
These notifications are not applicable to SMS.
Updates and invites to events: Events are one of the three types of content. They can be meetings, anniversaries, deadlines, parties and so much more. The author and other authorized organizers can make updates to the event at any time. An Updates and invites to events notification is generated when the author or an event organizer makes changes to an event, the notification will go to the author, any organizers, and anyone who has RSVP'd for the event. An Updates and invites to events notification would also be generated for End users when the author or an event organizer invites End users to that event.
RSVP confirmation: An RSVP confirmation notification is generated when a user successfully RSVPs to an event.
New responses to events: A New responses to events notification is generated when a user successfully RSVPs for an event you created or are an organizer on.
Site management
These notifications are not applicable to SMS.
Membership requests: Public and Private sites allow users to request access and membership. A Membership requests notification is generated when a membership request is submitted to a site where you are Site owner or manager.
Content submissions: End users may submit content for publication to a site. That content submission must be approved by a member of the site management team: Site owner, Site managers or Content managers. A notification is generated when an End user submits content for approval.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are what we use to automatically make certain groups of our population (or audiences) members of a given site. Application managers, Site owners and Site managers can adjust the subscription settings from the Manage site menus. A Subscriptions notification is generated any time another user makes a change to private site subscription settings and when an approval of the change may be necessary.
App management
These notifications are not applicable to Browser, Mobile, or SMS.Subscriptions: Subscriptions are what we use to automatically make certain groups of our population (or audiences) members of a given site. Application managers can adjust subscription settings from the Subscriptions menu, and from the manage site menus they have access to. A Subscriptions notification is generated when a member of the site management team approves or rejects a change to a private site subscription settings made by App managers.
Actionable notifications (all public sites): Sites generate a few actionable notifications: membership requests and content submissions. Site owners, Site managers and Content managers will receive applicable notifications when these items are submitted which will require an approval or rejection. When enabled, Actionable notifications (all public sites) allows App managers to receive the same notification. An Actionable notifications (all public sites) notification will be generated any time there is a membership request or content submission to a public site.
Content feedback (public sites): Every item of content (pages, events and albums) has a flag at the bottom of the item that allows users to submit feedback. This feedback will be accessible by the Site management team, and the author and will generate a notification to that team. When enabled, Content feedback (public sites) allows App managers to receive the same notification. A Content feedback (public sites) notification will be generated any time there is a feedback submission to a public site.
Content notifications (all public sites): Content notifications include: Content notifications, Knowledge content validation, Knowledge content expiration, Comments on my content, Likes or shares on my content, Content submissions, and feedback. Content notifications (all public sites) allow App managers to receive these notifications for all public sites.
Email notification frequency
Here you can designate the frequency of all default email notifications. Note that some email notifications are always sent immediately, and cannot be controlled. These include:
- Must reads
- Alerts
- Updates and invites to events
- RSVP confirmations
- Password setup for users
- System error emails
Only applicable to Mobile, App managers can check whether they want to enable mobile push notifications for new newsletters being published. End users can configure their own settings for newsletter mobile notifications if this option is checked.
Summaries & digests
Summaries & digests are system-generated emails sent regularly to your users. Here, we can define how frequently you want to send these emails.
Also known as the monthly site manager report, the Site analytics report email provides a high level overview of metrics from sites you manage. It can be configured to go out monthly or never. The target audience is Site owners/managers, however, App managers will also receive these for all public sites, regardless of whether they manage them or not.
For more information on what exactly users receive in Digest and Popular content emails, click the links below.
What is in the Popular content (Top stories) emails?
Home feed
The home feed configuration allows you (App manager) to choose the default feed filtering for all users. This includes filtering based on posts the user follows or all posts, as well as how the feed is sorted for users; either by post date or most recent activity.
Note this only changes the default settings. Users can still change the feed filter and feed sort choices based on their preference.
Hello! I have had two users inquire about how to get mobile notifications for all home feed posts. Do you have a suggestion for how to make that happen? I do not see a setting option for this. We are wondering if we ought to create an All Company audience that would be tagged in the post?
Hi Nikki. While there isn't an option to enable all feed post notifications for mobile, your workaround sounds like it could work, given that whoever is making the feed post always remembers to tag the audience. And in case you didn't already know this, notifications on the web app can be enabled for all home feed posts.
Hm the workaround did not work. It doesn't bring up audiences when I type the @ symbol. Only individuals and sites. Any suggestions?
Hi Nikki. I'll recommend submitting a ticket to our Support team so they can dig into this further. It's hard to present a solution without seeing your environment.
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