What are Audiences?
Audiences are saved groups of recipients you can repeatedly use for targeted communications without having to select them individually each time. We can group users by user attribute, manually, or via CSV file upload (done by the App manager). Note that any field marked as user editable cannot be used to create audiences.
As an App manager/Segment manager, you can define, save, and reuse a list of users across:
- Subscriptions
- Alerts
- Newsletters
- Social campaigns
- Segments
Newsletters sent to a specific audience can only be sent by Application managers. If you have Newsletter privileges, but need to send your newsletters to a specific audience, reach out to an existing Application manager about making you an App manager, or have them send it.To create an audience, locate the Audiences section in Manage > Audiences.
Creating an audience
Give a name to your audience that best describes it. Audiences can be created either by selecting user attributes or selecting specific people.
Below is the list of user attributes you can use:
- Segment
- Company, Division, Department
- City, State and Country
- Job Title, People category
- People Hire Date : "on or before" Date , "on or after" Date.
- Any custom syncing fields
Audiences can also be created by selecting specific people.
If segments are enabled, the App manager must select from the segment list. You can select any particular segment, or ‘All segments’.
Segment managers are able to create an audience for their segment only.
Deleting an audience
As an App manager/Segment manager, you can delete an audience if no longer needed. There will be a warning with details on the implications of the action. Note that if you create a newsletter with a specific audience, then delete that audience, the newsletter analytics will not be affected.
If I upload a CSV file to send a newsletter to a very specifically targeted audience and don't need it for any future use, I would like to delete it. What impact does deleting that audience have on my newsletter analytics? Any?
Hi Linda, great question. If you create an audience for a one-time newsletter send and then remove it, the newsletter analytics won't be affected. You'll be able to track the same metrics as you would any other newsletter, even if the audience doesn't exist anymore. Hope this helps!
If I create an audience using Job Titles, will the audience automatically be updated when a new person starts with that job title?
For example, created an audience called Executives. Within that audience we had the following Job Titles: Senior Manager, Manager, General Manager. When the audience was first created there was 16 people with those job titles.
If a new person starts as a General Manager, will the audience automatically update and now show 17 people?
Hi Natasha! Good question. Yes, anyone with the job title that's been mapped to the audience will be automatically added to that audience when starting. You just need to ensure their people data is accurate in that the job title is correct in their user data/profile.
Hi, is there a way to pull a report of all audiences that are currently active? We wanted to monitor the audiences created and maybe delete those that are no longer needed.
Hi Margarette. I made this video to hopefully give you a better idea of Audience reporting. Hope this helps!
Thank you, Matthew!
Hi, Margarette!
If you are a System Administrator in Salesforce, you can create your own report using Simpplr Audience report type to get a list of all your Simpplr intranet's audiences. See instructions in Salesforce: Creating Salesforce Reports to Pull Simpplr Data.
Below are the fields and filters I have in my Audience report which helped me to audit our audiences in addition to using the list under Manage > Audiences. You can customize the report to what you need for your auditing purposes.
Hi Betsy, I tried this and it was really helpful! I ran a report and everything looks good — except for the Audience Member Count being inaccurate. Will try to explore different report types and column filters. Thanks so much for this!
Am very new to Simpplr, so I may be missing something very obvious. The struggle I'm having with Audiences is I can set them up to be very granular and role specific, which is great, but I can't seem to find how to use those granular Audiences when deciding who receives a notification from a site. For example, we have set up a Company site where major corporate updates and news get posted and shared. All members of the Company are subscribed as followers so they have visibility to anything shared there at any time. One such corporate update is a major project that everyone in the Company needs to be aware of, but certain groups of associates have more need to take action on the information. What I want to be able to do is publish the information on the Company site but then send a notification to the set of associates responsible for action items using the role-based audiences I have defined. But when sending a notification I only have two options: Members and followers of the site; Members of the site. Is there a way I'm overlooking to further segment notifications based on my Audiences? As far as I've been able to find, I can only use Audiences with newsletters and alerts. It would be really helpful to be able to customize notifications based on our defined Audiences as well.
Hi Julie. Notifications can't be configured for specific Audiences only. They can be sent to all site members or members and followers. Meanwhile, each individual user has control over the types of notifications they'd like to receive.
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