App managers can set up a default Home dashboard that will be available to all End users. Then users can edit their own dashboard however they'd like. Note - to do this, the Home control in Manage > Application > Setup > Governance has to be set to User.
Home defaults can be found from your user profile menu.
Setting a default dashboard allows you to guide the user’s initial experience and make the onboarding process more consistent throughout the organization.
The Home default page replicates a user’s dashboard. Clicking on the gear icon in the bottom left-hand corner allows you to select the default for the layout of the Home. Here you can also choose whether to include the feed on this default dashboard. Toggling this option will give you different preset layouts.
Clicking on the plus (+) icon allows you to select the tiles that will be visible to all users.
For the new settings to affect the Home dashboard of all existing Users you have to click the text Overwrite home for all users or Overwrite home for all users in the "_____" segment (if segments are applied to your org) at the top of the page.
As long as Home control is set to User, all users are able to change their own layout and tiles at any point after the default has been set. If Home control is set to App/segment manager, the layout you set in Home defaults will be applied to all users, and they won't have the ability to change it.
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