What types of notifications does Simpplr have?


All notifications are editable by End users except for must reads and alerts by email. These are mandatory notifications. App managers can set the defaults for all notifications. To learn how, as well as what each notification setting means, click here





Summaries and digests

Configuring notifications

Enabling and disabling notifications as an End user

Enabling default notifications as the App manager


Visible directly in the header, in-app notifications are split into activity and actionable notifications.

  • Activity notifications inform the user of an activity; responding to these types of notifications is discretionary.
  • Actionable notifications are persistent and require action or input from the user. For example, confirming that they have read a must read or validating content they are responsible for. 

In-app notifications related to the same item may be grouped together for clarity. Grouping takes into account whether or not previous notifications have been seen.

In-app notifications can't be configured by the organization or the user. Simpplr defines which in-app notifications to send, and how often they're sent.

All in-app notifications are automated, and consist of every other type of notification.



These email notifications can be actionable or activity. They're sent to a user's email address. 

Email notifications can be sent for each individual action as it occurs (immediately) or summarized in a single daily email (summarize daily). Emails are sent at midnight of the timezone of the account that runs the scheduled jobs.

Email notifications can be configured by the organization (enable/disable and default values) and by the user. However, there are some email notifications that no user has control over. These include system generated emails like scheduler fails and password setup emails for new users.

Note that you may receive an email from time to time from Salesforce. These are powered by Salesforce, not Simpplr. Check out more information on Salesforce emails here

Must read email


Personalized content email


Event status email



Salesforce email example



Browser notifications can be delivered to a user even while they do not have Simpplr open in their browser. 

Browser notifications must be enabled/allowed by each individual for their browser. Users are prompted to allow notifications from the notifications panel in the header and from the browser notifications settings page. If using provisioned hardware/software, your IT department may manage this.

Browser notifications can be configured by the organization (enable/disable and default values) or by the user. 


Mobile notifications are delivered using the native (iOS or android) apps. They can be delivered even while the user does not have the app open. A typical example of a mobile notification would be a new email (Gmail app) or a social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc). 

Mobile notifications require that the native app be installed and notifications be enabled on their device. Users are prompted to allow notifications when the app is installed. If using provisioned hardware/software, this may be managed by I.T.

Mobile notifications can be configured by the organization (enable/disable and defaults) or by the user.



SMS notifications are delivered using SMS to a user's mobile phone number. SMS notifications require that a user has entered a valid mobile number in their profile page. Either the user or the organization can configure them. You cannot send SMS notifications if a user's mobile number in their profile doesn't have a country code.


Summaries and digests

These emails are automatically generated by Simpplr. These emails can be:

  • Summaries & digests email
  • Popular content email
  • Analytics report
    • Org specific analytics email is sent to App managers and users with analytics privileges
    • Site specific analytics email is sent to Site owners and managers
    • Get reports and statistics on employee adoption, engagement, sites and content
    • Frequency options: Never/Monthly

Configuring notifications

Simpplr groups notifications into related sections, adding more information to help users understand what each notification is. This enables users to opt in and out of notifications of their choosing. All of these notifications are available as email notifications, whereas only a subset of notifications are available for SMS. 

Org communications

Org communications are considered critical and their related emails cannot be turned off at app or user level. These are the types of org communications:

  • Must reads
    • Get notified if important content is marked as must-read and requires confirmation that you have read it
  • Alerts
    • Get notified if an alert is published which applies to you

Profile & Expertise

  • Follows
    • Get notified if someone starts following you
  • Expertise
    • Get notified if someone adds a new expertise to your profile or endorses you for a new expertise


  • Replies to my posts or comments
    • Get notified if someone replies directly to a post you've made in the feed or a comment you've made on some content
  • Replies after you
    • Get notified if someone replies after you to the same feed post or comment
  • Replies to a post you liked
    • Get notified if someone replies on a feed post or comment that you have liked
  • Likes your post, reply or comment
    • Get notified if someone likes a feed post, comment or reply that you've written
  • Shares your post
    • Get notified if someone shares your feed post
  • Mentions or posts to you
    • Get notified if someone @mentions you in a feed post, comment or reply or posts directly to you


  • Membership requests
    • Get notified if a request you made to join a site has been approved


  • Content notifications
    • Get notified if an important message has been added to content in a site that you follow
  • Knowledge content validation
    • Knowledge content requires validation periodically to ensure content remains correct. These are notifications for when content you manage requires that you review and validate to remain published
  • Knowledge content expiration
    • Knowledge content requires validation periodically to ensure content remains correct. These are notifications for when content you manage has been unpublished due to expired validation
  • Comments on my content
    • Get notified if someone comments directly on content that you authored or have notifications enabled for
  • Likes or shares on my content
    • Get notified if someone likes or shares content that you authored or have notifications enabled for
  • Content submissions
    • Get notified if content you have submitted is either approved or rejected
  • Feedback
    • Get notified if a user has provided 'Not useful' feedback on content that you authored or have notifications enabled for


  • Updates and invites to events
    • Get notified if you are invited to an event, or if an event you organize or attend is updated. (Always sent per-event)
  • RSVP confirmation
    • Receive a confirmation email if you successfully RSVP’d to an event. (Always sent per-event)
  • New responses to events

Site management 

This section is only displayed to App managers, Segment managers, Site owners and Site managers (not Content managers).

  • Membership requests
    • Get notified if an event you organize receives new responses. (Always sent daily)
  • Membership requests
    • Get notified if a user requests access to a site that you manage
  • Content submissions
    • Get notified if a user submits content to a site that you manage
  • Subscriptions
    • Get notified if a subscription is created for a private site that you manage which requires approval

App management 

This section is only displayed to App managers and Segment managers.

  • Subscriptions
    • Get notified if a subscription you created for a private site is approved or rejected
  • Actionable notifications (all public sites)
    • Get notified about all actionable events occurring in public sites (if enabled, in-app notifications will be sent as well as emails)
  • Content feedback (public sites)
    • Get notified about all "Not useful" feedback provided in public sites (if enabled, in-app notifications will be sent as well as emails)
  • Content notifications (all public sites)
    • Get notified about all content notifications being sent in public sites (if enabled, in-app notifications will be sent as well as emails)

In-app only

Most of the in-app notifications we send are the ones above but there are a few additional ones.

  • Analytics report
    • App managers will get a monthly in-app notification of the adoption percentage for that month
  • Made you author 
    • You'll get an in-app notification if you are made the author of a currently published item of content
  • Published on your behalf
    • You'll get an in-app notification if content is published on your behalf
  • A new newsletter has been published
    • You'll receive an in-app notification that a newsletter relevant to oyu has been published. Click the notification to go directly to the newsletter

Enabling and disabling notifications as an End user

To enable or disable notifications as an End user on Simpplr:

  1. From your profile image, go to Profile & settings > Edit profile & settings and go to the Notifications tab.
  2. Here you can set which notification types you do/do not want to see. You can also decide how often you want your notifications to come in; either immediately, or all at once through a daily summary. Once you've configured the settings you want, scroll down and click Save.

Enabling default notifications as the App manager

To set org-wide default notifications:

  1. From your profile image got to Manage > Manage application, then go to the Defaults tab. Here you can choose what types of notifications your employees receive.
  2. Remember, individual users can always change their notification types. App managers however, can always overwrite notification settings for all users by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking the button.

To learn more about controlling default notifications as the app manager, click here

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  • Are there any plans to refine in-app event notifications? It would be great to send RSVP reminder notifications only to people who have not submitted an RSVP response. It would also be great to have the option of making event notifications actionable (until the date of the event or the RSVP deadline) if RSVPs are enabled for that event.

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  • Hi Simpplr Team, 


    I have two questions about notifications: 

    1) can a user be tagged in content or on a content page and receive an in-app notification?

    2) can a user who is NOT a content manager, site manager or site owner receive notifications when new content pages are published? 


    Thank you


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  • Hi Rob. 

    1. If a user is tagged within a piece of content, they don't receive a notification. That only happens if they're tagged in feed posts or comments on content. I will make sure we have a product enhancement request submitted to change this!
    2. When someone who creates content goes to publish it, they have the option to send a notification. By default this notifies all site members.
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  • Thanks, David. A follow-up question for you: what is the product enhancement request to change your making? Would like to be clear I understand. 


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  • I’ve seen/read comments when it says “gave feedback”, but this was the first time I saw “commented”. I clicked it and it just went to the story but I didn’t see a comment anywhere.

    Typically we see this commented when another user posts on behalf of our writers. Can you explain what commented means? Is it that another content manager posted on someone's behalf? Thanks.

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  • Hi Sharon. Feedback means that when submitted, that messaging will only be visible to the content author. So if you give feedback, that's not public. A comment is a public reply to the content that gets added to the content feed below the article body. To help better understand what you're seeing, is it possible for you to include a screenshot? If not, you may want to open a case with our Support team to see if the functionality is working as intended, 

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  • Hi Matthew Rawls

    Wanted to ask a quick question about page notifications.

    By default, are those turned for a user on only when they are the author of a piece of content? 

    I presume that users can turn on page notification for any piece of content they would like to follow and that app, content, and site managers do not have page notifications on for every piece of content that has been created on a site that they manage.

    Reason I'm asking: several of the email notifications use the phrase "on content that you authored or have notifications enabled for" I want to make sure I understand correctly who will get emails on the "have notifications enabled for" portion.


    Appreciate your help

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  • Hi Brian. This all depends on roles and notification configurations at the app, site and user levels. There's not really one solid answer here. The author can be the one to receive notifications, but the Content, Site and/or App manager can have notifications enabled for content updates as well. O)r they can choose not to have that enabled.

    By default, you're right, users don't have notifications enabled for every piece of content they manage, but that can certainly be set if that's your preference. 

    "I want to make sure I understand correctly who will get emails on the "have notifications enabled for" portion."

    To this question, anyone who has their individual settings configured this way; that's who this applies to.

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