Table of Contents
App management: File upload permissions
Add files to content
The easiest way to add files to your intranet is to attach them when creating a piece of content. You have several options to choose from depending on the file storage integration you're using with Simpplr. For example, Google Drive files can be added to content if the site is connected to Google Drive and the user has their account connected.
Files are stored in sites across Simpplr, not pages (pieces of content). So when you upload a file to a page, it is uploading at a site level; the site where that page is posted. If you move that page to a new site, the file will not move to the new site with it. You can still view the file on the page, but if you go to the Files tab of the new site it will not be there. It will remain in the old site until you upload another version of it to the new site.
If your org doesn't wish to upload files natively on Simpplr or connect one of our integrations, you can always hyperlink the source of your file(s) to pieces of content or feed posts. We see customers do this often due to security concerns. For more information, check out this article.You can also upload files from your computer (if the App manager has set up the appropriate permissions). Uploading a file from your computer to a piece of content automatically adds it to that site's file library. The file is also now searchable for anyone who has site access.
When searching for files or attachments to add from your intranet, your search results will include content you have access to.
View files
To view the files linked to your Simpplr site, go to Files from the site dashboard.
In Files, you’ll see your site’s folders. Click a folder to view its files. If you’ve integrated file storage software, the folders you linked will also be listed here. If you've uploaded a file directly to a piece of content, it will be stored in the applicable site's Content files folder.
Image files uploaded to Simpplr do not appear in search results.
Add files to feed posts
Via File manager, any integrated files accessible to the End user can be added to feed posts (excluding the file's shortcuts) from within the linked folder in a given site. With the applicable upload permissions, End users can attach files to feed posts either from the existing set of files they have access to, or via their computer.
Files in your feed
You can open and download files directly from pages in your feed, if the page has a file attached. If the file is linked to a storage account, like Google MyDrive, you’ll need to make sure that file storage software is connected to your account before you can access the file.
You’ll get results from all sites you have access to and can upload those files.
You can attach files from any file storage account integrated with your org.
Remove and delete files
You can remove files by going to the content the file was originally linked to and clicking the X next to the file. You can also remove it from the list of files in the site where it's housed by clicking the dropdown menu, then Remove.
Or you can click Delete file from the Files tab in the site. Only the individual who first uploaded the file or a System admin can delete it completely from the Simpplr database (more on this below). Removing a file does not permanently remove the file from the Simpplr database. It only removes it from the location you initially updated it to. For example, if you upload a file to the Human Resources site and attach it to a piece of content within the HR site, then also upload the file to the IT site, the file exists within the Simpplr database (Salesforce), and is housed in both those sites. Removing the file from the content published in the HR site does not remove it from the site; only the content. It also does not remove the file from the IT site. The file will still be searchable within Simpplr. The only way to completely remove the file from the database is to delete it.
Deleting a file completely removes it from all locations where it's housed in Simpplr because you're removing it from the database entirely.
Who can delete files and who can remove them?
The original uploader of the file can always delete a file they uploaded from the upload location, regardless of their permission level in Simpplr. The System admin can also delete files uploaded by anyone via Salesforce.
A site member can delete a file they uploaded to a site or content. The Site owner/manager can remove a file that someone else uploaded to their site, but not delete it. End users cannot remove or delete files that someone else uploaded.
App managers only have the ability to remove files uploaded by someone else. They cannot delete them.
Link and create folders
If your site has integrated file storage, like OneDrive, you may see these options in the Files tab:
- Link OneDrive folder
- New folder
In the example shown above, clicking Link OneDrive folder will link a new folder from OneDrive to the site. You’ll be prompted to select the document library.
Clicking New folder will create a new OneDrive folder. This folder will be created directly in your OneDrive, not in Simpplr. You’ll be prompted to enter a folder name.
Only Site owners and managers can create new folders in the site root folder. Deleting files and folders must be done in directly in the integrated file storage, not in Simpplr.
Upload files
Under the site search bar, you’ll see the option to drop in files or Select from your computer. Here, you can drop files you’d like to upload to the site.
If you click Select from your computer, you’ll be prompted to search your computer for the file you want, and click Open to upload.
We recommend uploading files to your site before uploading them directly to content. That way you can have more control over the folder structure. By default, any file that gets uploaded to content must live in the system-generated Content files folder. This cannot be changed. If you create a folder structure, you can add your files to those folders, then link them to the content you're creating.
Only the original uploader, System admin or App manager have access to upload a new version of any given file, regardless of the site location the file is housed in.
File options
Under Options, each file has a dropdown. Here you can interact with the file in several different ways, like downloading the file, sharing it, or (if applicable) viewing the file in its linked storage account.
If you click New version, it’s strongly recommended that you keep the same file type for the new version of the file. Changing the file type in a new version may alter the look and formatting of the file.You can also move files between linked folders. You’ll be prompted to give read/write access to the folder you’re moving.
File details screen
Clicking on a file in a post or in the Files tab of your site will bring you to the File details screen.
This screen gives you many of the same options as the Options dropdown in the Files tab. You can:
- Like the file
- Favorite it
- Share it
- You can share files with public and private sites. If you share a file to a private site, it will only be shared to the feed of that private site. If you share it with a public site, you’ll have three sharing options:
- Followers
- A user
- Another site
- (If applicable) view the file in its linked storage account
- Version history
- Add new version
- Download it
The share option in the file options menu and file details page will be hidden if feed mode is not set to Timeline, comments on content and feed posts.
Search for files
You can search for files using the search bar in the top left. Search results will include files contained in pages, files uploaded to a Simpplr site, and files linked to a Simpplr site from file storage.
When searching for internally stored files (i.e., files uploaded and stored directly in Simpplr), Simpplr Search looks at the file name and text within the file to determine keyword matching. All text within the file is searched, regardless of length of file text/content. If there is a match in the file name, that will weigh higher than a match in the body of file content. This is applicable to all file types.
File search results appear in a separate tab from the main list of content-related search results.
For third party-connected file storage integration apps, Simpplr will send the vendor the keyword/phrase you're searching, and the vendor provide the results in whatever order they determine. We don't know the logic they're using (i.e., relevancy/weight, etc.). The only exception to this is for the Confluence integration. With Confluence, wherever there's a match in the title of the Confluence doc, it sorts first in the top results.
App management: File upload permissions
Note, this section contains information applicable only to Application managers, who can control file upload permissions. The file upload permissions setting does not affect App managers. They are always able to upload files. The following choices are available for End users:
Allow all file types (across entire application) (this is the default option)
- All users can upload all file types across the application
Allow image files
- This setting allows users to to upload image files matching .jpg .png .gif to home and site feeds, or as content attachments, but disables the ability to upload other file types
Allow image and video files
- This setting allows users to upload image and video files to home or site feeds, or as content attachments
Disable all file types
- This disables users' ability to upload files across the application
App managers can configure file upload permissions for Site owners/managers in addition to End users. These options include:
Same as above
- This option will give Site owners/managers the same permissions as the ones you selected for End users
Allow all file types in all sites
- This gives Site owners/managers permission to upload any accepted file type to the sites they own/manage
Allow all file types in selected sites
- This setting lets you (App manager) decide which sites Site owners/managers can upload files to
If you start out allowing all users to upload files, you can still change this setting at any time. Just note that nothing will happen to existing files because you changed the permission settings. The user who originally uploaded the file will still have access to manage or delete the file. They just won't be able to upload a new version, or any other files going forward.
Hi Natasha. I understand your concern here. If you have a file that needs to be urgently updated, it would be best to route that request to a System admin to upload a new version. Although in the event that you wanted to delete the file, you could create a Salesforce report to determine which pages were attached to that file before deleting the file.
I'll be sure to let our Product team know about this as well so we can try to bridge the gap between Simpplr and Salesforce in file replacement in the event that the file owner is on leave.
Thanks Matthew, the problem doesn't just arise if someone is on leave. We have daily/weekly reports that used to be updated by several members of a team. Now they have to assign all of those files to just one person and that person has to be available on the day it needs updating or it has to go to System Admin (who may have more important things to do). It's not a big issue in smaller companies but it is becoming increasingly challenging in ours.
Is there a way to view the edit log/history of file deletions?
Hi Sabrina, unfortunately this can't be done. Our team is always working on improvements to the functionality of our native file storage, and I will bring this feedback to them for consideration.
Thanks for the video, Matthew, but it's not working the way you described. When I attach an MP4 file to a page, I see a pop-up that says "Video files attached to content will not be playable." It attaches, but there's no preview of the video. It only gives the option to download it.
Apologies Michelle. I'm guessing playable attached videos are part of the Native Video feature. I was unaware of that. In that case, I would say the best option would be to upload your videos to a hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, etc., then embed them into your content.
Hi Jason, we're in the process of saving all of deleting all of our files and reuploading them to one site to reduce some of the issues that we're having. The goal is to have a relatively flat file structure to try and avoid duplicate files being loaded. We are creating fairly robust naming conventions so that file names are grouped together.
If I uploaded the files to my computer or Sharepoint they would be listed alphabetically by default
However, when we upload the files to Simpplr, the default is "Created Newest" and not alphabetical order.This means our files are all over the place. I realise that a user can go up and change the filter to alphabetical but I'm trying to understand why "Created Newest" is considered the best option for file management. Can you shed some light please?
Hi Natasha. I'm no expert in file management best practices, but typically users are more interested in the latest and greatest files that have been uploaded. Those files are usually added to the newest content, and the intranet is going to do what it can to highlight the latest information every time. That's why the feature is built that way. If a user is looking for a specific file, 9 times out of 10, they'll use the global search bar to locate it, not browse through a list of files within a site.
Hi Matthew,
Is there a file management expert that I can speak with at Simpplr? I agree that users are more interested in finding the latest and greatest, and that's why we have features on our dashboard like the "latest" files tile. Also agree that a user will browse for the file they're looking at, typically by using search, going to a page or finding it linked from a dashboard.
However, someone has to manage the files and I believe that person needs them alphabetically by default. That way they can find the file they need straight away and there's little risk of adding a new copy (and therefore a duplicate).
We're unable to integrate Sharepoint with Simpplr due to security concerns so I am now faced with having to manage files within your platform. If you could pass this feedback on to your file expert that would be great.
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