What are the differences between the Simpplr desktop version and mobile app?


This article highlights some of the differences between our Simpplr desktop/browser version and the mobile app. If you have branded mobile, these differences are still applicable. 

Table of Contents

Home page layout

App and site management






Home page layout

The mobile home dashboard consists of content (pages, albums, events) from sites you follow or are a member of. Scrolling down, we see the tiles set on the home dashboard from the desktop version. 

In addition, the feed is on its own tab within the mobile app. The home page consists of content from sites you follow/are a member of. The feed is still available to interact with. You can like, favorite and comment on feed posts the same way you would on the desktop version.

Note that once you navigate from the Home dashboard, the Search bar goes away. You must navigate back to Home to use the Search bar.


App and site management

On the mobile app, all your sites will still be available to search for and browse. The key difference is that Site managers and owners do not have the Manage site option. Any site management activities such as adding users, managing site details, etc., will need to be done on the desktop version. 

The same goes for Application managers. No application management activities can be done on the mobile app. 



Content can only be created on the desktop version of Simpplr. The mobile app does not provide opportunities to create new content (pages, albums or events). When you view a piece of content on the mobile app, you will still have the options of liking, commenting and favoriting that content. You can also share that content to other sites or users, including your followers.

When creating and publishing content on Simpplr, that content transfers almost identically to the mobile app. Text formatting, images, and links all carry over. One difference you may see is when you start using custom HTML in your content. With the text editor, content creators can use code view to enter their own HTML. Depending on the code, this may not reflect the way you'd like in the mobile app. The example shown below contains a piece of content (page) with custom HTML in it like expandable/collapsable text and anchors. You can see this is working as intended on mobile.



As of the Kita release, users can add images or videos to a public or open album from their mobile app. This allows them to share their photos and videos with others within the organization.

Users will also see the same celebration tiles on the mobile app as they do on the web. This allows them to stay up-to-date on employee celebrations and recognition.


Files cannot be uploaded to or downloaded from the mobile app; only desktop. 


The home dashboard on mobile has a search bar at the top that allows you to perform the same searches offered on desktop, including for people. However, you can also go to the People tab on mobile to scroll through everyone in your org. Or you can filter by Department, Location or Expertise. There is also a search bar on the people tab. By default, org members are listed alphabetically.

People profiles are virtually the same as on desktop. After clicking into a profile, you can see all the same user information, including published content, where they sit in the org chart, their manager, and bio information. 

You cannot endorse users for expertise on mobile.


As of the Kita release, users can select their dark theme color for the mobile app. The theme color selected on the web will be applied in both light and dark modes on mobile, providing a consistent experience across devices.

Mobile tiles

Note: Not every tile that's available on the desktop version of Simpplr will appear on the mobile app. There are also default tiles that appear on mobile, regardless of whether or not that tile is set up on the web version. See the table below for which tiles are on mobile, and which are not. 

There can be up to five default tiles that will always display on mobile before your own created tiles. The default tiles are as follows and will always display in this order.

  • Must Read / Onboarding

  • Top picks (Home) / Popular (Sites) / Recommended

  • Recently Published 

  • Events (If any)

  • Celebration and new hire (from feed - 3 days data)

After the five default tiles listed above, tiles should display in the order like this:

  • Row 1 Column 1
  • Row 1 Column 2
  • Row 1 Column 3
  • Row 2 Column 1 and so on

This means the mobile dashboard experience will differ from web dashboards in the following ways:

  • Default tiles will display regardless of whether or not they are present on your web dashboard. This is to surface important and relevant information.

  • Only supported tiles will display (there is no messaging on mobile that will tell users there are tiles present on the web they are not able to see). This is to avoid any confusion and give users a better user experience.



Supported on mobile

From version

Content Page Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Event Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Blog Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Site & categories Site about Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Sites sites Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Site categories Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
About Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Page categories Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Information Yes iOS: 5.0.0
Android: 5.00.00
People Custom people tab Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Site managers Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Site members Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
New hires No  
Celebrations No  
Image & video Picture Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Title Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Description Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
URL Partial  
Video (YouTube) Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Video (Simpplr) Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Text   Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Links Standard Yes iOS: 4.3.0 
Android: 4.30.00
Grid Yes iOS: 4.3.0
Android: 4.30.00
Showcase No  
HTML & Rich text   Yes iOS: 5.0.0
Android: 5.00.00
Files Google No  
Site files No  
Countdown clock   No  
Social campaign   No  
Social media Facebook Yes iOS: 5.0.0
Android: 5.00.00
Twitter Yes iOS: 5.0.0
Android: 5.00.00
RSS   Yes iOS: 5.0.0
Android: 5.00.00
Salesforce apps   No  
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  • Hello! I'm a bit confused by this page. When I'm in the Simpplr mobile app (we do not use Native Video), it appears that I CAN upload files to the feed. I've also successfully uploaded a video file to the feed through the app. 

    Are there limits on video file types or video file sizes that can uploaded to the feed through the mobile app for customers like us that don't use Native Video?


    Michelle Barnes

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hey Michelle. There are no explicit settings or limits on file types or sizes that can be uploaded through feed on mobile. The only limitation would depend on the device and OS you're using.

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