Simpplr sends a variety of different emails, and the frequency in which they're sent can differ widely depending on your org's configuration settings. The App manager has the most control of email frequency and enablement. The types below will help you understand a but more about what you may receive and how often.
In addition to these, it's worth noting you may also receive emails from Salesforce or Simpplr that aren't mentioned here. These are typically one-time emails with Support information (upgrade communications, etc.), Marketing emails (opt-in only) or emails from Salesforce.
Defaults (Notifications) Emails
The most common type of email users will receive from Simpplr are Defaults (Notifications) emails. These are configured at the application management level, and will vary based on your org's configuration settings. The target audience is all users.
Summaries & digests
- Digest: This email provides a personalized look at feed posts and activity the specific user follows. It can be configured to be sent daily, weekly, or never. The target audience is all users.
- Personalized content: This email highlights content that is relevant to the user it's sent to. It can be configured to be sent daily, weekly, or never. The target audience is all users.
- Site analytics report: Also known as the monthly site manager report, this email provides a high level overview of metrics from sites you manage. It can be configured to go out monthly or never. The target audience is Site owners/managers, however, App managers will also receive these for all public sites, regardless of whether they manage them or not.
- Onboarding email: This email goes out to all new hires with content specifically curated for them. These emails can be configured to go out weekly for the employee's first 30 days of hire or never. After 30 days, they will stop receiving the email. The target audience is new hires who have been with the company under 30 days.
Monthly analytics report
App managers will receive a monthly overall analytics report for the entire intranet. Please note, if you have emails disabled for your instance, you will not receive these emails. They are otherwise not configurable. The target audience is App managers.
Newsletters can be received in the form of an email. They are configured by the Newsletter manager and can very on how often they're sent.
When a newsletter goes out, it's supposed to send all recipients a browser notification, correct? I'd asked about this before and was told this is a default setting that can't be changed.
I'm checking on this because I just sent out a newsletter this morning but didn't receive a browser notification.
Is this a system error? Or, did the default setting change?
Hey Michelle. A newsletter browser notification actually isn't a notification type.
All newsletters will be sent out by email (no configuration options for this), but you can choose to also send an SMS (text) message with a link to read the newsletter in a browser. The SMS will be sent to users in the recipient list that have a valid mobile phone number listed in their profile. A link will be sent out so that the employee can view the newsletter, if logged into Simpplr. Note that SMS delivery does not honor app-wide notification settings, meaning if you distribute a newsletter to SMS, users will receive it regardless of app-wide settings.
In addition to users being notified via email, they'll receive an in-app notification, where they can click directly to go to the newsletter in the platform.
Maybe I don't have the terminology correct, but this is what I'm talking about (see below). When I sent a newsletter to employees yesterday, I received this browser notification. However, I sent two newsletters to employees today and didn't get the same browser notifications.
Hi Michelle. For some reason, the image attachment never came through here. Would you mind submitting a ticket with our Support team on this one? Send that same image, and I'm sure they can explain what's going on.
Thanks, Matthew. I've submitted a ticket about this.
I have another question about notification emails. I used to receive a monthly site manager report via email, but I haven't received one since July. I haven't turned them "off" -- in fact, I can't even find where I'd even be able to do that in the App manager settings.
I checked with a few other site owners, and they haven't received their monthly site manager reports in a few months, either.
Should I submit a ticket about that, too?
Hi Michelle. While this sounds like a bug if the option is switched on, before you submit a ticket, triple check that the option is in fact on. You can do this by going to Manage > Application > Defaults > Summaries & digests. Scroll down to the Analytics report email and make sure it's toggled to Monthly. In addition, in your user profile (Edit profile & settings > Notifications > Summaries & digests), make sure you have the option set to the same thing. Finally, check the setting in Manage > Application > Setup > Email to make sure you're actually receiving Simpplr emails.
If everything is on, then I'd say it's a bug, and you should be receiving those emails.
Thanks, Matthew. My settings show that I should be receiving the monthly analytics summaries. I'll submit a ticket.
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