How do I add a custom People category?

A People category creates a new field in your people data that can be used to organize and manage Simpplr users. An App manager must manually assign each user an option within this category from their profile page.

This has to be done by the App manager.

You can create a custom People category to create an additional filter when searching for people in your org.

  1. Click your avatar at the upper right hand corner, go to Manage > Application > People > People category.
  2. Select Enable people category.
  3. Enter the value in People category name singular and People category name plural
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click on Add category option and enter the category name.

Once you've created the category, you will see the new field appear in user's profiles, and you can assign the custom category to all users.

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  • Hello! Why is the global search more robust when it comes to searching for "People" in the app?

    For example, if I search for "claims representative" in the global search, the results show all users with that as their job title. But when I search for  "claims representative" in the People section, nothing comes up. How can I rectify that?

    Michelle Barnes

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  • Hey Michelle. As of now, the People section search only searches for a name (the "Name" field from user syncing), and you can only filter, not search for, department, location, expertise and additional custom fields.

    But an enhanced People search function that will allow additional fields to be searched is on the roadmap!

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  • Hi, Matthew,

    So, I'm confused. In the Custom profile fields section, it says "Additional fields (added in ‘user syncing’) will automatically be added as custom profile fields which can also be displayed on a users profile". We have four custom profile fields set up but they don't all show up as filters in the People section.

    Above, it talks about "custom people category section" in the people section, and that I have to manually add those. 

    Are these two areas within "Manage application" unrelated? 
    Are you saying that "Job title" needs to be added to the "People category" area as a custom category for it to be able to be a filter option?
    Or, do I manually need to add peoples' job titles one by one for them to be searchable in the People section?

    "Job title" is one of our profile fields -- can that be a filter in the People section? I've had several users to go the People section and search for specific job titles, which is what I'd do. 

    Are the "Profile fields" and "People category" areas not linked at all?



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  • Hi Michelle. So in short, you're correct, people categories and profile fields are not related.

    When you set up custom field under in User syncing, there's a check box where you have the option to create a filter for the custom field. If you check that box, then a filter will appear in the People directory that aligns with the field.

    Because "Job title" is a standard field, there is no filter for it. To add "Job title" as a filter, you'd have to create a custom field with the same values. When you do that, "Job title" will show up twice in a user profile, in the middle and on the right hand side, but that's the only way to add an additional filter to the People directory. People category is something you can add to ask your End users to select. Unfortunately we don't currently have any way to map to this field.

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