Pages are pieces of content that populate your users' home and site feeds. They can contain multimedia information, including (but not limited to) files and images. Pages are the most common form of communication on sites and throughout the greater intranet. Using our proprietary algorithm, Simpplr estimates the time it takes to read a piece of content. Read time (e.g. 2 minutes) is visible just below the content author's name. Note that 'time to read' is only compatible with content posted after the feature was released. Legacy content posted before time to read was released will not reflect the feature.
Page as seen in the site feed
opening the page, with 'time to read' shown
Add a page
To add a Page, click on the + icon next to the notification bell in the top right, select Page as the content type, and click Add. Note you're also able to add a page template if you'd like. For more on page templates, click here.
Page creation flow
- Add a title to your page. Make sure this is something that gives a good idea of what to expect in the page. It should contain searchable keywords for your users to easily find.
- Upload a cover image. The recommended image size is 1088 x 612 px (and a minimum of 664 x 373.5 px).
Crop and resize it appropriately for the cover (widescreen) and thumbnail (square). The options presented here allow you to set a:
- Minimum height
- Minimum width
- Aspect ratio
By default all these options are set, so the image cropper can be resized until a minimum width and height are set with maintaining the aspect ratio.
If minimum width is unselected - The image cropper can be resized maintaining a minimum height respecting the aspect ratio
If minimum height is unselected - The image cropper can be resized maintaining a minimum width respecting the aspect ratio
If both minimum height and width are unselected - The image cropper can be resized respecting the aspect ratio without any minimum height and width
If all three options are unselected - The image cropper can be resized without any restriction, and you can select any shape or size of the image
If all three options are selected - The image cropper can be resized with a minimum height and width, and by maintaining the aspect ratio
- Once you have your image cropped the way you want, click Next.
- Depending on the size and aspect ratio you chose, you'll be given the option to add backfill to the cropped image. This screen allows you to fill the backgrounds, or unused portions of the image space. Background fill appears when your cropped section of the image is below 16:9 and 1:1 ratio, and if the image is less than the recommended 1088x612 px.
Background fill options:
Blurry background of the same image - This will fill in the blurred parts of the same image
Brand colors - Corporate brand colors
Custom color option - Any custom color option you'd like
- Select one of the cover image layout options. The layout allows you to choose different sizes of the cover image to show up on the page. Click on each layout to see a preview of what the layout will look like.
- Type your content in the Add content... field. You can also carry over content from a document in another location if needed. The formatting will automatically carry over. Your content editor contains a number of options to help format your content, including the Writing assistant tool, an AI-powered content generator.
- Add files, which can be from local drive, your intranet, or a file storage integration such as SharePoint or Google MyDrive. Files will appear as attachments below the page content.
- Select the page type. Knowledge content is evergreen content that should always be kept up to date. When you select Knowledge, your page will go into our Auto-Governance engine and will prompt you to review and validate at a cadence set by your Intranet manager. News is for content that will naturally become out of date. Best practice is to schedule a time to unpublish the page. In the Manage > Content menu, you can distinguish content type by the icon in the corner of the thumbnail image. An icon with a checkmark on the page is Knowledge, whereas one without the checkmark is News or a blog.
If a page is unpublished for any reason, then republished, this resets the page's validation period. Simply editing a page does not reset the validation period. - Select a page category. You can click on the dropdown arrow to see all the categories that are already created. You can also create a new category by entering a category name.
- Add relevant topics to make your page easily searchable and to connect your content across the intranet.
- Choose to publish immediately or from a specific date and time. This date can be in the past or future. Select how long you would like to publish the page. You can select Indefinitely, which will leave the page active until manually Unpublished, or to publish for 3 months, 6 months or until a specified date.
- Choose whether or not to maximize content width. Enable this feature if you need to use a wider width for your page. The maximum width is 1088px.
- Add a summary. The summary appears below the title on the pages tab.
- Check/uncheck Allow comments and Allow questions. Allowing comments will add a feed at the bottom of the page for users to add comments. Allowing questions will allow users to use the Q&A feature on the content. These options are both governed at the Site management level.
- Click Publish or Submit for approval, depending on your user role. If you are the Site manager/owner or a Content manager, your page will appear right away. If you are not the Site manager/owner or Content manager, you will be notified of the approval status once the Site manager reviews and approves the content.
You can also click Save draft and continue to work on the draft later.
Is there a way to create a table of contents for a page and have jump links to sections within the page?
Here as well, how do I create a table of contents for long pages?
I had to create anchor links within the HTML area, which was a bit tedious but it works! Hoping this feature can be added to the common tool bar area in the future.
If we schedule a page to be published on a certain date, what time will that page be published on the scheduled date? Can you adjust what time it's posted on that date?
Hi Francine. Pages will be scheduled to go out on midnight based on the user's timezone. There is currently no way of changing this time. However, we do have a product enhancement request submitted for custom time selections.
Is there a way to preview a page before you publish it?
What makes a Page popular (i.e. populate under "Popular" on a tile)?
Hey Francine. The popularity score is based on the amount of engagement any given page gets. At a high level, the following actions contribute to the popularity score:
Also worth noting that content from influencers has a higher score, 25% extra weightage compared to content from other users.
How can I create Page Templates noted in the Laki release?
Hey Danielle. Page Templates are currently an EAP feature. We'll be rolling them out for everyone in the next release (Matterhorn).
I'm also interested to know when Templates will be available, do you have an ETA? I don't know what EAP means.
Hi Devon. Page templates are now available for all customers. EAP just means "Early Adopter Program", meaning only certain customers have early access to the feature. This article will help you get started with using page templates.
How do I get the color options available for the background fill for the improved image cropping? It looks like I only have the blurry photo option, which can look a little busy depending on the original image?
When using a colored background for content page images, how do I set the default color choice to be our brand palette colors (which I've set up in the branding area)?
Hey Michelle. Your issue is actually a known problem with one of our APIs failing at the moment. However, this will be fixed with our upcoming 23.12 release in January. In the meantime, are you still able to set up a custom color/white for background color?
Matthew, yes, we can now set up custom colors/white for background colors.
Feeling stupid, but can't figure out how NOT to use the new image cropping feature. Can we not just have full images any longer?
Hey Claire. So the cropping option is always going to appear, even if your image meets the exact recommended dimensions. But you should just be able to drag the boarders to the very edge of the image. Unfortunately there's no way to get around that as some users want to crop their image to be smaller, regardless of its size.
The background colors for images aren't available in page templates. Is that right? Will that be updated soon?
Hi Michelle. Correct, as of now background colors are not supported in page templates. I'll follow up when I know more about if/when this is expected to be supported. But I definitely shared this feedback with our Product team.
Is there a character limit?
Can you make a page "private" on a public site? Or do you need to create a private site to have information viewable by only a select internal audience?
Hi Sherri Walker, there is not currently a way to make a specific page private. Currently, pages will follow the rules of the site they are currently on. If you wanted to limit a page to a specific audience, you would need to create a specific site and place the page there.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Simpplr Support
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