Page categories

Site managers can create Page categories to organize site pages. This is done on a per-site level, meaning page categories created on one site will not be reflected on another site. For recommended best practices when using page categories, check out this article!

From the site you want to add page categories to: 

  1. Go to Manage site > Pages categories to see all the categories of the site.


Edit, delete, and add categories 

Click on the drop-down arrow next to the category to edit or delete the category. You can only delete a category when there are no pages assigned to it.

Click on Add category to create a new page category.

Rearrange categories

Rearranging your page categories may be useful to help highlight the most important content at the top of the list, while moving less important items further down the page.

To reorder your page categories:

  1. Go to the site, then click the Content tab.
  2. Scroll down to the list of content ordered by category and click and drag any category list to rearrange it. The order in which you rearrange categories here will reflect the same on a Page categories tile
  3. You're also able to change page categories in bulk with Site manager permissions. Head to Manage site > Content and click Select all.
  4. From the bulk actions option at the bottom, choose Move. You'll be asked to type the name of the site you want to move the content to. If you want to keep the content in the same site, just type the name of the site it's already in.
  5. After this, you'll assign the page category to the content based on the chosen site.
    Move content and change categories.gif
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  • Hi Matthew,

    Do you know when "rearrange categories" was added to this page?

    I am trying to determine when this functionality was released! It's awesome!

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  • Hi Aileen. I don't remember exactly when that was added, but it's been here for a while.

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