How do I enable or disable app members' ability to submit content on a site?

This has to be done by Site managers or App managers.

For App managers, to enable or disable content submission options for all sites throughout the application:

  1. Click on your user profile image in the upper right hand corner, go to Manage > Application.
  2. Go to the Setup tab, and click Governance. Scroll down until you see Content submissions.
  3. Check or uncheck the Allow all employees to submit content to sites. By disabling content submissions, only Site managers and App managers can create content for all sites throughout the application. Best practice is to leave this box checked and set control of content submissions at the individual site level. 

    This checkbox simply allows Site managers to govern their own sites for content submissions. If the box is checked, Site managers will see the below option in Manage site. Site managers will still need to approve the content before it appears on the site. End users who submit do not have the ability to edit their content once it has been submitted. The content becomes owned by the Site managers at that point.

For Site managers, to enable or disable users' ability to submit content to a site:

  1. Click on your user profile image in the upper right hand corner, go to Manage > Sites. Note you can also go directly to the site in question and click Manage site.
  2. Locate the site you want to enable/disable content submissions for. From the next page, click the Setup tab.
  3. Scroll down until you see Content submission. Then choose Enable or Disable. Once you've made changes, scroll down and click Save.
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  • I don't think there's a governance tab anymore

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  • The order of this article seems a little confusing. Does an app manager have to enable content submissions at the app level first before it can be adjusted at the site level? 

    I'd like to allow content submissions on one particular site, but there is no option currently under the Set Up tab of the site.

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  • Hi Anna. Sorry for the confusion. I reordered the article to try and help clarify. To answer your question, yes, the App manager controls the option for Site managers. If the Manage > Application checkbox is checked, this opens up the toggle for Site managers at the site level. If that checkbox is unchecked at the app level, Site managers won't see the toggle to allow content submissions. 

    If you want to allow content submissions on one site, you'll need to have the checkbox checked at the app level, then have the toggle turned off for every site except that one. 

    Hope this helps!

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