What is included in the digest email?

Digest emails consist of:

  • Feed posts from people you follow
  • Feed posts from sites you follow or are a member of (including the sites you own and manage)
  • Feed posts you have replied on
  • Feed posts you have been @mentioned in
  • Your own feed posts

App managers can choose to automate a daily or weekly digest email to users' email address. These emails will be sent to users' inboxes on a reoccurring basis by default. End users can also set their own preferences for how often they want to receive the emails in the Edit profile & settings section. 

The daily digest emails are automated by Simpplr, and contain up to 10 feed posts based on sites you follow or are a member of and people you follow. The weekly digest contains up to 20 feed posts, also under the same parameters.

The digest emails will only contain new or updated feed posts (received replies) from the previous day (for Daily) or week (Weekly), which is why they may not contain a full 10 or 20 posts.


App managers and System admins have the ability to determine how often users receive this email. To set it up:

  1. Go to the user menu and click Manage > Application > Defaults > Summaries & digests.
  2. Set the occurrence to however often you want users to receive the email. Then scroll down and click Save.

You can choose to receive daily or weekly summaries of recent activity.

The scheduler for daily digest emails runs at 12:40 A.M. according to the time zone of the System admin or App manager who set up the scheduler. The scheduler for weekly digest runs at 12:40 A.M. on Monday.

If there are no updates during the day, the user will not receive the daily digest email.

If you're an End user of the intranet, you can set how often you'd like to receive the emails by going to your user profile and clicking Profile & settings > Edit profile & settings > Notifications > Summaries & digests. Here you can choose NeverDaily or Weekly. Once finished, scroll down and click Save.



The digest emails are different than the personalized content emails. For more information on personalized content emails, click here.
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  • Do topics followed have any relevance on the digest email?

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  • Hi Casey. In short, no, topics don't have any relevancy on digest emails or content recommendations. This article goes into more detail as to how our content recommendation engine works (i.e., what users see in their digest emails). To summarize, these factors play into what any given user could see in their digest:

    • The content users have engaged with in the past
    • The content viewed by the users with similar profiles
    • Recency of content (latest news are more relevant than old news)
    • Sites and people users are following
    • If the user has engaged with less than 5 content (cold start), the model will provide 10 most popular and recent content to collect more signals
    • Must read content and content on home and site carousel will be prioritized higher (user-curated content)

    Note that the algorithm does not recommend the content users have seen before since they are less likely to engage with it again.


    Hope that helps!

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  • Thanks, Matthew!  Appreciate the readout here.

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  • Is there a way to change the time the summary emails go out? Some of our staff have expressed the want to change that time from the middle of the night.

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  • Hi Rosie. As of now, no, there's no way to customize the send time of daily emails. This is with our Product team for future consideration though. 

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