Adding a timezone attribute in Okta

This article explains how to add the user timezone attibute in your org's Okta instance and map it to Simpplr. For full instructions on the Okta integration with Simpplr, click here.

The timezone attribute will be pushed from Okta to Simpplr as default timezone for all the users.


To add an attribute in Okta:

  1. Log in to Okta as your org's Okta Admin and head to Applications -> Simpplr App.
  2. Click on Provisioning and Scroll down to the attributes.
  3. Click Go to Profile Editor.
    Okta TZ 1.jpg
  4. From the Profile Editor page, Click Add Attribute. A new window will open.
    Okta TZ 2.jpg
  5. Search Time zone in the Search box. Select the checkbox for Time Zone and click Save.
    Okta TZ 3.jpg
  6. This attribute will show up in the unmapped attributes for the Simpplr Provisioning tab.

To map the attribute in Okta:

  1. From the Simpplr App, click the Provisioning tab.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click Show Unmapped Attributes.
    Okta TZ 4.jpg
  3. Click the pencil icon on the right to edit the attribute. Another window will open and select attribute value as “Same Value for All users and enter the time value, which we need to have for all users by default (For time code please refer to Leave the Apply on toggle as Create. This will insure that users can change the timezone in Simpplr as per their timezone. Save the settings.
    Okta TZ 5.jpg
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