Can I add a direct link to my LinkedIn profile in my Simpplr user profile?

Yes! With a custom field added that is HTML and User Editable, you can add a direct link to your LinkedIn profile.

Follow the instructions in this quick video to generate the HTML code snippet needed to link your LinkedIn profile. 

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  • Appreciate the quick and easy video. I walked through the same steps and was unable to get the preview to work (shows as if it doesn't support HTML) in the custom field I have dedicated to LinkedIn. Is this tip still possible on the most recent version of Simpplr? If so, it looks like I'll be submitting a ticket. Thanks in advance!

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  • Hi Aubriana! Yes, this should still be supported as of the Kita release (most recent version). Please submit a ticket to our Support team and feel free to mention me if you'd like so I can take a closer look.

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