CSV Provisioning for Orgs not on Fuji Patch 1


We strongly recommend upgrading to Fuji patch 1 before using the CSV Provisioning feature. If you haven't yet upgraded to Fuji patch 1, you must manually switch your source from Simpplr User Services to None before you can upgrade to Fuji patch 1. Otherwise, we won’t be able to generate the SFTP location.

This article shows app managers how to provision, de-provision, and sync user data from their HRIS system using a CSV file for any organization not yet on Fuji patch 1. If you've already upgraded to Fuji patch 1, follow the instructions here

CSV templates for provisioning and syncing, with all the necessary columns, are attached to the bottom of this article. When provisioning or syncing in Simpplr, app managers will select which columns they want to map from the CSV, and ensure the columns they want to map contain the appropriate data. 

Set up CSV user provisioning/de-provisioning

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To set up CSV user provisioning:

  1. Go to Manage App > People > User Provisioning.
  2. Select Provisioning source > Simpplr User Services.
  3. Select Create new users if provisioning. 
  4. Select which fields you want to provision. First name, last name, profile, username, email, language, locale, and timezone are all required. 
  5. Select which manager unique identifier you want to use. Use the selection to populate the manager_unique_identifier column in the CSV.
  6. Select the default language, locale, timezone, and profile for all users. If you'd like to have a different language, locale, timezone, or profile for a specific user, you can input that data in the corresponding column of the CSV.
  7. Choose whether to send password setup emails. Unless your organization uses SSO to login, you'll want to send password setup emails to users. Password setup emails will be sent from Salesforce, and will expire in 24 hours. 
  8. Select Deactivate users if de-provisioning. Simpplr only needs a unique ID to de-provision users. Select which one you want to use, and populate the matching column in the CSV. 
  9. Click Save.
  10. If this is the first time you're setting up CSV provisioning or syncing on your intranet, you'll need to reach out Simpplr Support or Implementation with an SFTP location request. We'll generate and provide you the location info. 


If you want to switch syncing sources from Simpplr User Services to another source after saving, wait five minutes before doing so. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the CSV file to provision, de-provision, or sync in the future.


select Simpplr User Services as provisioning source


if provisioning, select Create new users


select Manager's unique identifier


select Default details


choose whether to send password setup emails


if de-provisioning, select Deactivate users



Set up CSV user data syncing

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To set up CSV user data syncing:

  1. Go to Manage App > People > User Syncing.
  2. Select Syncing source > Simpplr User Services.
  3. Select which fields you want to sync.
  4. Select which unique identifier you want to use. Use the selection to populate the unique_identifier and manager_unique_identifier columns in the CSV.
  5. You can add a custom field by clicking add custom field and selecting a custom field option. Each custom field option has a corresponding column in the CSV. In the modal, click on the dropdown to select from custom field options 1 - 5. Input your data in the matching custom_field_X column of the CSV.

  6. Click Save

  7. If this is the first time you're setting up CSV provisioning or syncing on your intranet, you'll need to reach out Simpplr Support or Implementation with an SFTP location request. We'll generate and provide you the location info. 


If you want to switch syncing sources from Simpplr User Services to another source after saving, wait five minutes before doing so. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the CSV file to provision, de-provision, or sync in the future.


select Simpplr User Services as syncing source


select unique ID


add custom field modal


select a custom field to sync



Prepare your CSV file

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The CSV files for provisioning and syncing should contain a number of columns that can be mapped with Simpplr. During provisioning and syncing setup, app managers will select which columns they want to map (some columns are required). 


You can download the CSV template for provisioning in this section below, which contains the following columns:

  • is_to_be_provisioned (required)
  • is_to_be_deprovisioned (required)
  • first_name(required for provisioning)
  • last_name(required for provisioning)
  • about
  • birthday
  • job_title
  • department
  • division
  • company
  • hire_date
  • manager_unique_identifier
  • profile
  • employee_number (required if selected for de-provisioning)
  • username (required for provisioning; required if selected for de-provisioning)
  • email (required for provisioning; required if selected for de-provisioning)
  • phone
  • phone_extension
  • mobile_phone
  • street
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • postal_code
  • language
  • locale
  • timezone


CSV provisioning template (not all columns shown)

  1. Name the CSV file you're provisioning from user-provisioning.csv.
  2. In the CSV, make sure all users you want to provision have a 1 in the is_to_be_provisioned column, and a 0 in the is_to_be_deprovisioned column.
  3. In the CSV, make sure all users you want to de-provision have a 0 in the is_to_be_provisioned column, and a 1 in the is_to_be_deprovisioned column.
  4. Populate the columns you want to map, following the field format requirements in this section below.


You can download the CSV template for syncing in this section below, which contains the following columns:

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • about
  • birthday
  • job_title
  • department
  • division
  • company
  • hire_date
  • manager_unique_identifier
  • profile
  • employee_number (required if selected)
  • username (required if selected)
  • email (required if selected)
  • phone
  • phone_extension
  • mobile_phone
  • street
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • postal_code


CSV syncing template (not all columns shown)

  1. Name the CSV file you're syncing from user-syncing.csv.
  2. Populate the columns you want to map, following the field format requirements in this section below.

CSV field format requirements

Column Required format
0 for no and 1 for yes
0 for no and 1 for yes
string, max 80 characters, must be in the form of an email address (i.e. xxxx@xxx.com), but does not have to be a valid email address (https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000325738&type=1)
string, max 20 characters
string, max 128 characters
string, max 40 characters
string, max 40 characters
string, max 80 characters
in YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD format (year is optional)
in YYYY-MM-DD format
string, max 2000 characters, plain text, no HTML
locale for the user from this list: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sf.admin_supported_locales.htm&type=5
language code for the user from this list: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sf.faq_getstart_what_languages_does.htm&type=5
one of the values from this list: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sf.admin_supported_timezone.htm&type=5
profile Profile id of the desired profile type in Salesforce: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000312782&type=1
string, max 255 characters
string, max 80 characters
string, max 80 characters
If provisioning: this column will be the identifier of the manager, where the type of identifier(username/email/employee_number) is based on the selection on the setup screen.
If syncing: this column will be the identifier of the manager, where the type of identifier(username/email/employee_number) is based on the selection for the user's unique identifier on the setup screen.
Same format requirement applies for each type of identifier.
string, max 40 characters, in the format of "+1 917 555 8990"/ "+19175558990"
string, max 40 characters
string, max 40 characters, in the format of "+1 917 555 8990"/ "+19175558990"
string, max 255 characters
string, max 40 characters
string, max 80 characters
string, max 80 characters
string, max 20 characters
string, max 255 characters
string, max 255 characters
string, max 255 characters
string, max 255 characters
string, max 255 characters


Error handling

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If there are any errors when provisioning, de-provisioning, or syncing, the app manager will receive an email with an attached error log. The error log will contain an error message and the row number in the CSV that contains the error.


error email

Error messages and explanations

Task Error message Explanation Solution


User provisioning not fully enabled: "Created new users" selected but value in "is_to_be_provisioned" is 0.

This error happens when "Create new users" selection on the setup screen is enabled but the “is_to_be_provisioned" column in the CSV file is 0.

Either disable the selection, or populate the column with 1.


User provisioning not fully enabled: "Don't create new users" selected but value in "is_to_be_provisioned" is 1.

This error happens when "Create new users" selection on the setup screen is disabled but the “is_to_be_provisioned" column in the CSV file is 1.

Either enable the selection, or populate the column with 0.


User deprovisioning not fully enabled: "Deactivate users" selected but value in "is_to_be_deprovisioned" is 0.

This error happens when "Deactivate users" selection on the setup screen is enabled but the “is_to_be_deprovisioned" column in the CSV file is 0.

To fix: either disable the selection, or populate the column with 1.

Either disable the selection, or populate the column with 1.


User deprovisioning not fully enabled: "Don't deactivate users" selected but value in "is_to_be_deprovisioned" is 1.

This error happens when "Deactivate users" selection on the setup screen is disabled but the “is_to_be_deprovisioned" column in the CSV file is 1.

Either enable the selection, or populate the column with 0.


User provisioning and deprovisioning conflicting: value in “is_to_be_provisioned“ and “is_to_be_deprovisioned“ are both 0.

When the “is_to_be_provisioned" and “is_to_be_deprovisioned" columns in the CSV file are both 0.

If provisioning is intended, change the “is_to_be_provisioned" column to 1.

If de-provisioning is intended, change the “is_to_be_deprovisioned" column to 1.

Provisioning/De-provisioning User provisioning and deprovisioning conflicting: value in “is_to_be_provisioned“ and “is_to_be_deprovisioned“ are both 1.


When the “is_to_be_provisioned“ and “is_to_be_deprovisioned" columns in the CSV file are both 1.

If provisioning is intended, change the “is_to_be_deprovisioned" column to 0.

If de-provisioning is intended, change the “is_to_be_provisioned" column to 0.



Username is not unique. Record skipped.

The "username" column has value that is not unique.

Check for other records with redundant value in the "username" column. 


Manager's unique identifier is not unique.

The "manager_unique_identifier" column has value that is not unique.

Check for other records with redundant value in the "manager_unique_identifier" column. 


Mandatory field is empty: value in <column name> is empty.

A mandatory field has empty value in <column name> in the CSV file.

Fill in the <column name> with valid value.


Field with wrong format: value in <column name> has wrong format.

The format of <column name> in the CSV file does not meet the required format.

Check and correct the format of the value of <column name>.


Unique identifier is empty: value in <column name> is empty.

The specified unique identifier field has empty value in the corresponding <column name> in the CSV file.

Fill in the <column name> with valid value.


Unique identifier is not unique. Record skipped.

The specified unique identifier field has value that's not unique in the corresponding <column name> in the CSV file.

Check for other records with redundant value in <column_name>.


New record created but encountered runtime error: <Runtime error message>.

Simpplr encountered a runtime error that results in a new user being provisioned, but  certain fields failed to sync value.

Check for the <Runtime error message>. Contact Simpplr Support for any further questions.


Links to templates

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