In AWS, we store the record data related to user interactions with various Simpplr objects like Feed, Content etc, The data stored includes:
The type of interaction (view/like/share/post/reply)
On what object (site/content/feed/page)
By whom (user/people)
In order to make analytics more meaningful while viewing, we also push the following information to AWS analytics servers:
Content title (no other attributes like body or summary)
Site name (only name, no other detail)
User's first name and last name, department, title, manager, category, segment, division, location (city, state, country)
Name of files (no body)
Segment name (only name, no other detail)
Is Simpplr analytics currently built on AWS? And is that true even for the Simpplr instances that are currently on Salesforce?
Hi Brian. While I can't get too much into infrastructure info here (I'm certainly not the product expert in that field), some microservices from AWS are used on platform data pipelines and similar features. This article lists out all our subprocessor partners and what we use them for.
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