How do I add iframes to a site dashboard or page?

Add iframes to dashboard

Add iframes to page

Simpplr allows you to add iframe code (embedded videos, widgets, etc.) directly to your site or home dashboards, as well as pages when creating content. 

The source website must support iframe. This means when you click the Share button on any video, feed, etc., you're given the option to copy the iframe code.



The Application Manager must first ensure HTML tiles are enabled for your environment by going to Manage > Application > Governance.


Add iframes to a dashboard

  1. From your dashboard click the Edit dashboard icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Choose the Text, HTML & links tile option.add_iframes_to_dashboard_1.gif

  3. Here is an example of a basic iframe code snippet you can use: 
    <div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 64.78405315614619%; height: 0;"><iframe src="your-url-here" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe></div>
  4. Give your tile a title and paste the iframe code into the HTML box. Then choose your tile height. This determines the size of the tile display on the dashboard.


    App managers have the option to add the tile to all users' home dashboards as well when creating a Home tile.

  5. When finished, click Add to home or Add to site dashboard. The tile will appear as an embedded element on the dashboard. To adjust the height or width, click Edit on the tile and change the height or width numbers in the code.iframes_dahsboard_3.gif

Add iframes to a page

  1. When adding a new page, in the content section, click the More (...) icon, then the Embed >  Code option from the editor. This will open the code window.
  2. Paste the iframe code and click Add. This will show you what the embedded content looks like on the page.
    New code editor paste iframe.gif
  3. You can now continue with your content as you normally would. 
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  • Hi! I tried to insert an autoplaying iframe on a page, but the video disappeared when I published the page. Strangely, the iframe works just fine when I am in edit view. The problem arises only when the page goes live. I'd be grateful if you could suggest any solutions.

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  • Hi Rajat. This issue might be better solved via our Support team; that way you can include any screenshots/visuals that may help us get a better idea of the problem. You can submit a formal ticket here.

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  • Is it possible to embed a PDF into a page?

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  • Hi Becky! I made a video to show you what embedding PDFs might look like in your page content. Let me know if this helps!

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  • Thanks, Matthew! This is perfect. 

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  • Hi Matthew, can you please post sample iframe code into this page? :-)

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  • Hi Natasha. Sure. Here's an example of a video I want to embed. Of course, depending on what you're looking to add to your content, iframes can look a lot different and have different values. Hope this helps.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  • Hi! I'm trying to embed from our internal podcast app but to no avail on a page or tile. Here is the iframe, is there anything in there that jumps out as preventing this?

     <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" style="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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  • Hi Michael. Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Based on the iframe itself, I don't see any issues. When testing the url, it's telling me that " refused to connect", which tells me it's something internal from Podbean. If your podcast isn't available to the general public, it could be a sharing setting on Podbean's side that's preventing it from showing here. If it's not a publicly available link, it wouldn't work in an iframe. I clicked the url outside the iframe to try and open on the web and received the same message. 

    If your podcast is publicly available, I would suggest using either an RSS tile on the dashboard or embedding the Spotify/Apple Podcast link instead of the Podbean embed code.

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