How to change your favicon icon

Favicon path

A favicon is the icon you see in the browser tab/window or if you create a shortcut to the application on your mobile phone/tablet.
Favicon new example.png

This is where you set the favicons used by the application. To do so we need to first create the favicon icon.


To complete these steps, you'll need access to the Salesforce environment your Simpplr intranet is built on. We recommend App managers with system admin access complete these steps. 

Create your favicon:

Navigate to a new web tab, but keep Simpplr open. You'll now need to create your favicon.

The image should be at least 260x260 px size logo/icon, but preferably in PNG format and of 500x500 px size. We recommend using this site:

Instructions are provided below for creating a favicon using this website.

  1. From the site, select the file you want, then drag and drop it into the Converter box. Then select Download.
  2. This will create a zipped file that we will upload to Salesforce. You can now close this site.

Upload your favicon to Salesforce

  1. Log in to your Salesforce instance by removing everything after .com in your Simpplr url and hitting the Enter key.
  2. Click Setup. In the Quick Find box, type static resources and select. Click New and upload the favicon .zip file you just generated. Name the file whatever you'd like, just be sure to remember the name as you'll input the same name in the final step. We recommend something simple like Intranet_Favicon. Optionally, give a description, then set the Cache control to Public. Click Save.
  3. Head back to your Branding editor in Simpplr, and in the Logo > Favicon field, type /resource/NameYouGaveTheFileInSalesforce. So for example, /resource/Intranet_Favicon, then click Done.
    paste new favicon path.gif



The favicon might not appear right away. It should appear within an hour.


Upload a new logo/favicon in a different segment

To upload a different logo or favicon to a segment within your intranet, follow the same steps as above using and upload the .zip file to Salesforce as a new static resource. Then:

  1. In Simpplr, go to your user menu and click Launch segment bar. Choose which segment you want to add a new image to, then go to Branding at the top navigation bar. From the brand editor, click Logo and insert the new Logo image or Favicon Path. Click Done.
    Branding segments.gif

Use the same logo/favicon in a different segment

Using the same image across different segments is as easy as adding the same image or path into the segment you want it for. For favicons, once you've uploaded the file into Salesforce, remember the name you created.

For example, the resource path /resource/Intranet_Favicon created above leads to a file source for the Simpplr logo. That resource path is going to be pasted into each branding editor per segment. 

Update a favicon

To update a favicon for your segment/intranet, follow the same steps as above, including the instructions from You'll want to create a new name as well. Best practice is to upload the new files for the favicon to Simpplr, rather than replacing the old file.

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