Site management: Alerts

If you see Alerts in your user profile menu, it means your App manager has given you the ability to create alerts for your site members.

An alert is an announcement that appears at the top of the app window. It will stay on the top of the screen until the user dismisses it (if allowed) or until a specified date or time.

Clicking Alert will take you to the Alerts page. You can then click to Add Alert.

alerts new.gif

  1. Select the site whose members you wish to display the alert to under Display Alert to…. You can display the alert to: 
  2. Enter the message that you want to be displayed in the alert. Select Make alert message a link if you want users to be able to click on the alert message and go to a specific page or URL.
  3. Select whether users can dismiss the alert or not under by checking the relevant button.
  4. If you want to display the alert right away, choose immediately. Otherwise, you can set a date you want the alert to start.
  5. Finally, select the alert duration, or how long you want the alert to display.


To see a list of expired and scheduled alerts go back to the alerts page by clicking Alerts in the User profile menu. Here you will be able to see the scheduled alerts. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the scheduled alert to edit, display now, or delete the alert.


App managers and Branding managers can update the color of the alert background and text & icon color in Manage > Branding.
AWS Alerts.gif


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  • I recommend adding components of what is/not a successful alert. For example, how many characters can be included? Can you link to it? Can you underline, bold, use different fonts?

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  • Hello Simpplr Support,
    Does Alert only send out a notification in the intranet?
    Or does it also send out an email?

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  • Hi Aileen. Alerts will be sent via email to the designated users, as well as on their home page of the intranet.

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  • Thank you for the response, Matthew!

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  • Hi Simpplr Team

    For Alerts, does an email HAVE to be sent? I don't see an option to not send an email. Also, how does SMS and Site notifications factor in?

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  • Hi Rob. Alert emails do not have to be sent. An App manager can control this in the Defaults tab of the Manage > Application menu. As to your other question, could you elaborate on what you mean by SMS and Site notifications factoring in?

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  • Hello!

    We have an alert currently displayed, and when I click "edit," I can see the analytics on that Alert. But I don't see a way to view the analytics of an expired alert. Can that functionality be added?


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  • Hi Michelle. Depending on your permission level, you should be able to navigate to your user menu and go to Alerts. Then set the filter to 'Expired' to see the number of users who viewed any expired alert.

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  • Thanks! I'm a Site Admin and can view this info.

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  • Hi! If I give permission to a Site Manager to publish alerts, can I restrict them to only publishing to their site? Or will they still have "Everyone in the organisation" as an option. We want to limit the amount of people that can contact the entire business. Thanks :-)

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  • Hi Natasha. If you select a Site in the Manage > Application > Privileges > Alerts menu, then the owners/managers of that site will be able to publish alerts ONLY for that site, not the whole org. However, if you select an individual in that same menu, you're giving that person permission to publish Alerts for the whole org (or their Segment if you have Segments enabled), an Audience or a Site.

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  • If we turn off the visibility of user phone numbers, will they still receive an alert if it is sent out?

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  • Hi Christina. All notifications, including Alert notifications are governed by users within their profiles. If a user has the notification enabled, then yes, they will receive the Alert regardless of whether the phone number is visible; that is as long as the phone number field is synced with the user.

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  • Hi Matthew, when I go to Manage > Application > Defaults > Email I can't seem to turn off the email notification for alerts. Both the Org Communications are greyed out and the boxes are ticked.

    Can you please let me know what other settings I need to turn off to NOT send an email with an alert?

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  • Hi Natasha. So any Org communications email notifications can't actually be disabled, even by the App manager. Reason being it kind of defeats the purpose of these notification types. The whole idea of these options being there but not selectable is something our UX Design team is working on taking out so as to avoid this confusion in the future.

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  • Thanks Matthew, that makes sense. We just had a situation where we had already sent out a comms via email but then wanted to add the alert bar to the top of the website and didn't want to double up. 

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  • If you are logged out of the app will you still get the alert as long as you have the app downloaded stating allow notifications?  We want to make sure that even if our employees have been logged out for 180 days they will still get the alert pop-up even if they have to log in to review it

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  • Hi Ella. Users won't receivers push notifications when logged out. They'll need to be logged in to the app to receive notifications. 

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  • If I change the color of the alert in the branding does it change for all the alerts?

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  • Hi Karen. Yes, the color will change in that case. Here's an example

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