Salesforce: How to log in as another Simpplr user


Only users with Salesforce System admin access can log in as another user. This must be done via Salesforce, as Simpplr does not allow you to log in as someone else natively. 


First we need to access your Salesforce instance. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the url of your Simpplr home page and remove everything after .com. Hit the Enter key.
  2. From the Salesforce Classic dashboard, click Setup and type Users into the Quick Find box. Select the Users result.
  3. From your User list, find the user you want to log in as and select Login next to their name.
  4. For most users, you should be sent right to their Simpplr home page. However, this may take you to that user's Salesforce interface. To confirm you're logged in as the user, look for the confirmation ribbon at the top of the screen. In the top navigation, click Launch Simpplr. You will be redirected to the user's Simpplr home dashboard.
  5. To log out as the user, navigate to their user profile image, scroll down and click Logout.
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