Use this walkthrough for the Setup > General tab in the Manage application menu:
Intranet name
This is the name of your intranet. It will appear throughout the intranet, including associated emails and the browser tab.
Session timeout
Set the maximum length of time a user can be inactive.
If the user has Salesforce open in the same browser, the session timeout settings in Salesforce will override this setting.
There is also the option to enter a specific URL for the user to be directed to once they've been logged out.
Here you can select which languages are available for users. You can choose one or more of the following:
- Armenian
- Bulgarian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Danish
- Dutch
- English (US)
- English (UK)
- French (FR)
- French (CA)
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay
- Portuguese (BR)
- Romanian
- Spanish (Lat Am)
- Tagalog
- Thai
These languages will only be available if they are set in Salesforce too. English (US), French and Spanish are enabled in Salesforce by default, but others will need to be enabled manually. To do this, The App manager or System admin must go to Salesforce, then click Setup and in the Quick find box, type Language Settings. From the Language Settings menu check the box next to Enable end-user languages.
- English (UK) is one of the end-user languages, so first, click that checkbox at the top of the section
- The end-user languages will then appear as Available Languages in the left-hand column in the section below. Select English (UK), then click Add to include it in the Displayed Languages.
- Click Save.
Back in Simpplr, once a language is selected in Manage > Application > Setup > General > Languages:
- All users who have this language set in their user data (stored in Salesforce) will automatically start seeing the app in the language.
- Individual End users can change their language preferences by going to Profile & settings > Edit profile & settings > Language.
- Only the languages enabled in Manage > Application > Setup > General > Languages will be available as options here.
- Updating the language in Simpplr will also update the setting in Salesforce.
Additional considerations:
- If only one language is selected the the app level, Simpplr will override all users' language preferences with that language.
- If the language set in the user data is not one of the available languages in Simpplr, the app will revert to the first checked language (the language in Salesforce will not be changed unless the user updates the language in Simpplr).
Content types
Choose which content types will be available across the intranet. At least one content type must be enabled. When disabling a content type, no content is deleted and can be recovered by re-enabling. The three content types are:
Blog posts
Blog posts are not contained within sites, but within employee profiles. They allow employees to add their own ideas in a longer format than the feed. Blog posts can be enabled or disabled, or set so that only influencers can create them.
Questions and answers
Q&A allows users to raise questions that haven't been addressed elsewhere on the platform. This allows App and Site managers to fill information gaps so users can always find what they need.
'Help & Feedback...' emails
In the footer of each page is a 'Help & Feedback' link, allowing employees to leave feedback. Add email addresses of the people who should receive this feedback. You can also choose to share employee feedback with Simpplr to help improve the product experience.
SMS notifications
SMS notifications are sent to users' mobile devices. Choose whether to send notifications as texts to your employees. Click here for more information on notification types.
Push notifications
Push notifications are shown on the employee's mobile phone from Simpplr's mobile app. Select whether these notifications are enabled for the mobile app. Once enabled, employees will be able to update their notification preferences in Profile & settings.
Here you can enable events to be added directly to employees' calendars. Select which calendars are available. If no calendars are selected then the Add to calendar link will not appear on Events.
Social campaigns
Social campaigns allow your organization to promote itself through your employees' social media accounts. Add a link to your social campaigns index to help your employees understand any relevant policies surrounding sharing company information.
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