Salesforce: How do I add a new "Email sender address" in Simpplr?

As the System admin, when assigning the global Email sender address, you must set this up in your org's Salesforce instance.


To do so:

  1. Log in to Salesforce and navigate to Setup. Then type Organization-Wide Addresses into the Quick Find box. Click Organization-Wide Addresses.
  2. Click Add, then enter a trusted name, such as the name of your intranet or company, in the Display Name field. Enter a valid, trusted email address. Make sure Allow All Profiles to Use this From Address is selected.
  3. Click Save. Salesforce will send a verification link to the email address you input. Make sure to verify your email address for Simpplr's email notification to work.
  4. Once an email address is added, go back to Simpplr and navigate to Manage application > Setup > Email. Select the new email address and click Save. Simpplr will use this address as the global "From" email address when sending automated emails such as Popular content or Digest emails.
  5. The newly added email address will receive a confirmation email from Salesforce. Click the link inside so that the email address can be confirmed in Simpplr.
    SF Orf email verification.png
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