Chris Worrick
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Latest activity by Chris Worrick-
Chris Worrick created a post, Bell icon notifications - old stuff at the top?
Hey fellow intranet experts! Just noticed this morning that I have some really old read notifications (2-3 months old) hanging out in the top portion of my bell icon drop-down that have pushed down...
Chris Worrick commented, Is there a list of profile fields that determine the Profile Completeness figure? On our end, regardless if you complete your entire profile, you're stuck at 75% and "inactive" :(
Chris Worrick commented, Following this one - I'm currently in the same boat Jeremy. At the moment I manually update the site using a CSV file each week and would absolutely adore being able to automate the process.
Chris Worrick commented, This looks great! Question - is there a way for more than one person to work on a newsletter together? Right now our process with the Legacy version is to have one person create it and send the pre...
Chris Worrick commented, Cool feature! Is there any future implementations planned to allow for Google Hangout/Zoom links to be created from the Simpplr side for events that feature a remote/virtual portion? (Likely a pip...
Chris Worrick commented, Awesome resource, looking forward to sharing - and learning - new things to make our intranet experience even better!
Chris Worrick commented, Hi! Couple questions: - An all employee subscription automatically updates as new users (employees) join and/or leave the company, correct? - When assigning this to a site do all employees get a no...
Chris Worrick commented, Hello! I think our CSM answered this in the past but I can't seem to find the email so I'll ask again here. For site-level onboarding, does that also take into consideration the 30-day new hire wi...