Discover the latest and popular content with the feed. Simpplr's feed ensures users connect with the most engaging and relevant content. There are two types of feeds:
App managers decide which type of feed is seen through Feed governance settings.
Note: as of the Laki release, @mentions can be used in feed replies and comments.
Home feed
Users can locate their Home feed on their Home dashboard or on its own page, depending on the layout the user or App manager has chosen. Through the feed, users can share thoughts, ask questions, give recognition, tag other users or sites, and post Files, Links or Polls. Users can share posts with followers, with a site or with a specific person.
Note, when tagging other users in a feed post, they will receive a notification. However, when tagging an entire site, the site members will not be notified of that post.
Types of Home feed posts
Timeline entry
- Content published:
- Single entry
- Grouped posts
- Single entry
If Timeline only option is selected in the settings, only the single entry form will show up. If either of the other two options is selected, the grouped entry form may show up based on the pagination grouping rule.
Smart posts
- Must read
- Popular content from sites and people you follow
- Upcoming events
- Celebrations
Comments on content
Feed posts
- Feed posts
- Polls. Note, polls cannot be edited once published, nor are there any analytics available to view. To see poll results, navigate to the feed post itself.
- Content shares
- Feed post shares
Site feed
Site feeds can be found by navigating to a site. They're populated with content added to the site, or @mentions referencing the site.
Site feed posts are approved at the app level, not the site level. This means System admins and App managers have edit access to feed. Site managers cannot control feed posts on their sites.
Feed posts
There are multiple types of feed posts.
Must read posts
When content is marked as must read, a notification will be sent to site members. The must read content will also appear on the home feed. Unread must read content will be displayed above the post box.
Upcoming events
All upcoming events for next 7 days would be displayed in this post (starting from the latest basis date and time). All the events from the site the user follows or where the user is invited, will be included, and all the events where user RSVP'd "no", will be excluded.
People posts (birthdays, anniversaries, new hires)
People posts are for anything about the people in your organization. However, not all people-related updates in an organization will be relevant to every user. To address this, Simpplr's algorithm shows personalized results for each user based on their profile and relationships in their organization.
Site mentions
As of the Gorgonio release, users can now @mention public sites from within another site. For example, you can tag Human Resources from the Solutions Consulting site feed. Private sites can only be @mentioned in their own site feed.
Feed governance settings:
The feed allows employees to share ideas and collaborate with their colleagues. When configuring feed, select any of the three options, which will set precedent for feed settings throughout the application. App managers can toggle these options in Manage > Manage application > Governance > Timeline & feed.
- Timeline
- Timeline & content comments
- Timeline & content comments and feed posts (Recommended)
Definition of Timeline: In the three setting options above, the Timeline includes both Timeline entry and Smart post types of feed components.
If the Timeline option is selected, Simpplr will only display single entries. If the other options are selected, Simpplr will display both single entries and grouped entries, based on the pagination rule.
These settings will apply to the home feed, as well as the site feed of all sites.
Hi Simpplr team,
Do polls only work when homepage feed posts and commenting are enabled? Or, can they be enabled without commenting?
Another question for you: For Site Feed posts, when a user @mentions a public site, like People & Culture, will that generate an email to anyone that the tag occurred? In other words, would anyone who is a content manager for P&C receive a notification of the tag?
Hey Rob. No, no email will be generated to the site members or management team when the site gets tagged.
Hi Rob. In regard to your question about polls, they're part of the feed and cannot be enabled on their own without the rest of the feed components.
Quick question:
We want to understand how feed posts in one segment would affect user experience in different segments.
Thanks for your good help.
Hi Brian. Segmentation doesn't really affect feed. Feed is driven by content/posts that are relevant to the individual user. Therefore, if user A is in a different segment than user B, but they're in the same department, or they follow each other, then yes, they'll see that user's posts, because segmentation isn't playing a factor in the feed algorithm. Does that help?
How can one view who responded to a poll? Or is this always anonymous? Thanks
Hi Tammy. As of now there is no way to view poll metrics, and all responses are anonymous.
How do I change that "share your thoughts or questions" verbiage within the feed comment box?
We are trying to enable feed posts on content, but not new threads in the feed (comments at the bottom of a page are ok, but new comments in the feed are not). We currently have Time & content comments enabled but with this option users can only reply to comments made by an admin, they cannot create their own. Is there a setting that enables feed comments on pages, but doesn't allow new posts directly to the feed?
Hi Krystal. I made a video to try and help answer your second question about feed settings.
But for your first question, there is no way to customize that text in feed. I'll share this with our Product team though as an enhancement request!
Hi Matthew, thank you for the video. We have noticed that there are also Feed Permissions on individual sites.
Option 1 - Anyone can make feed posts
Option 2 - Only site owner and site managers can make feed posts
We created our sites using option 2 as we didn't want people to post directly to the feed. However, this means that even if we follow the instructions in your video a user can't comment on a page (the little comment icon appears but if you click on it nothing happens). We therefore changed to Option 1 Anyone can make feed posts and it works.
Can you please confirm that people still won't be able to make feed posts because at the higher level we've set it to Manage > Governance > Timeline & Comments.
Thanks :-)
Hi Natasha. Yes, in short, the app-level settings are going to overwrite the site level settings. So with 'Timeline and comments on content' set, users won't be able to make feed posts, regardless of site settings.
Hi Matthew, sorry I just need further clarification. We have the following:
Can you please confirm that if we want users to post comments on pages only, we need to go into each site and tick "anyone can make feed posts" BUT this will not mean they can create feed posts such as "We're excited to welcome a new team member".
Hey Natasha. No worries. I made this video to show you what those settings will look like. But in short, you have it right. Users won't be able to make feed posts if that app-level setting is set to the way you have it.
Sorry, really want to be clear on this. You mentioned previously that the App level settings override the Site level settings.
We have the following APP settings turned on:
Timeline & Comments
Allow feed posts on all content
Then we have a SITE setting turned on:
Only site owners and site managers can make feed posts
Based on your original explanation, the APP setting would override the SITE setting. This would mean all users could post on content but not on the feed.
But this doesn't work for us. We have to go into the Site setting and switch it to All (and not site owners and site managers). I would have to change this setting on 100 sites for people to be able to comment.
Apologies if I'm not understanding this correctly. Are you able to just confirm the only settings we need to be able to
1) Have users post on content pages ONLY
2) Not have users able to post to the feed
Hi Natasha. To do what you'd like in this case, you shouldn't need to make any app level changes. You have the right setting already enabled. You will need to allow all users to make posts on content at the site level if that option isn't already enabled. That setting is the last one in Manage site > Setup. Or rather, your Site owners/managers will need to do this. Are you yourself governing the 100 sites you have?
The only way to see poll results is to vote. Can you confirm this is the case?
Or is there a different way to view the results of a poll as the person who created it?
Can these details be added to the knowledge article? The section about polls doesn't provide enough detail to manage the poll. Thank you!
Hi Hilary. At the moment the only way to see poll results is by voting, yes. The poll creator will be able to see results only on the feed post directly.
Is there a cutoff for how far back people can review the feed contents? I was able to go back over a year and a half worth of feed. Just wanted to know if there was a point where items will fall off.
Hi Krystal. There isn't a specified cutoff point of feed visibility. You could technically go back years if you'd like. Is there a specific use case you'd like solved by limiting this?
Matthew Rawls No use case, just a question our Senior Leadership Team had. Thanks!
Hello! What does the tag actually do? When a site is tagged - does it simply act as a quick link so the end user can click on it and be taken to that site? Does it do anything else (notification to the tagged user/site, etc)? Thank you!
Hi Cheryl. Tagging a site just creates a hyperlink to that site. No one is notified that the site was mentioned in a post.
Hi Matthew,
We haven't really used the Feed so I have quite a few questions :-)
Question1: On the Feed, there's the option to Post in home feed or post to site feed. Can all employees select those options or is home feed option only available to the App Manager?
Question 2: The article states that "Site managers cannot control feed posts on their sites". Does that mean that if someone posts something bad, the Site Manager cannot delete it? Is the App manager the only person who can delete feed posts?
Question 3: If someone posts something bad in the feed, can all staff members report it? If "yes", who gets notified?
Thanks :-)
Question1: On the Feed, there's the option to Post in home feed or post to site feed. Can all employees select those options or is home feed option only available to the App Manager?
If feed is enabled at the app and/or site level, all employees will be able to post. There is no setting that will ptrohibit employees from posting on the feed if feed is enabled.
Question 2: The article states that "Site managers cannot control feed posts on their sites". Does that mean that if someone posts something bad, the Site Manager cannot delete it? Is the App manager the only person who can delete feed posts?
That's correct. An App manager will be the one who has to remove the post. However, our content moderation engine should flag all inappropriate posts, and content moderators can be made aware as soon as they happen.
Question 3: If someone posts something bad in the feed, can all staff members report it? If "yes", who gets notified?
Yes, all staff members can report a post for whatever reason. When this happens, the post goes through the content moderation engine. If the engine doesn't flag anything, it's posted as normal. If it contains content that is flagged, the poster will be notified, given the reason for the flagging, and given the option to edit the post, or continuing posting it. If posted un-edited, content is sent to the queue for moderation. The content moderator can decide whether to keep the post, or hide it. Users can also report feed posts/comments as offensive, and give a reason for the report. These are also sent to the content moderator, who will decide to keep or hide the posts. This article goes into all the detail you need to know about content moderation.
Do we know if access to creating Polls can be controlled? Is there a way to only have the admins be able to create polls?
Sunayana, as of right now, no, polls cannot be controlled or set to only admins. Any user can create a poll as long as they have permissions to post in the feed. There also are no analytics or tracking of poll results. Results can only be viewed in the original post where the poll exists. An enhancement request is with our Product team for consideration in a future release.
Hi Matthew, great to hear a product enhancement is in the works. We would also love to be able to restrict the use of polls and be able to see results as part of analytics or an excel download.
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