Image Sizes in Releases


Carousel images

Release Is this exactly the same image that's show on content detail page? Is this image a different size or has it been compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 17 Yes No, the exact same file as shown as cover on the detail page
Summer 18 Yes Remains the same
Winter 18 If the image is being displayed at 16:9 then it's exactly the same image. If the image is being displayed in a smaller panel, then its thumbnail image is scaled to fit. Remains the same
Spring 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Summer 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Remains the same Remains the same

Feed images

Release Are the images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 17 Yes No
Summer 18 Yes, to a maximum of 1600px width/height We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality
Winter 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Summer 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Remains the same Remains the same

Image tile

Release Are the images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Yes, to a maximum of 1086px width/height We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality

Links tile

Release Image ratio Recommended image size Are these images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 16:9 800px x 450px No, the original image is displayed We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality


Release Maximum image size Are these images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 110px x 40px No, the image is centrally aligned in the Launchpad Tile We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality


Cover images and thumbnails

Release Are we resizing images? Are we compressing them? Does cropper tool create a new image even if you don't crop the image?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 17 Yes the cropped versions are resized to a max of 1088px width for Cover and 500px wide for thumbnail We save the cropped versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality Yes
Summer 18 Yes the cropped versions are resized to a max of 1600px width for Cover and 500px wide for thumbnail Remains the same No, if the image same ratio as crop being made and not larger than 1600px wide
Winter 18 No change Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 18 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Summer 18 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same

Album images

Release Are these images resized? Is this image a different size or has it been compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 17 Yes, to a maximum of 1000px width/height We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality
Summer 18 Yes, to a maximum of 1000px width/height Remains the same
Winter 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Summer 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Remains the same Remains the same

Content body images

Release Are these images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 17 No No
Summer 18 Yes, to a maximum of 1600px width/height.
The images are then displayed at a size smaller than this to fit within the Content body- 709px for the standard size, and 1024px if 'maximum content width' is selected.
We save the resized versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality
Winter 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Spring 18 No change to image size (1600px width/height) but there is now a max 5mb file size (warning shown if file exceeds this) Remains the same
Summer 18 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Remains the same Remains the same


Site images

Release Minimum image size Are these images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 320px x 320px Yes, to a maximum of 1600px x 1600px We save the cropped versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality

Site cover image

Release Image ratio Recommended image size Are these images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same Remains the same
Summer 19   2176px x 342px
(Displayed at 1088px x 171px)
Unsure if newly cropped versions are resized however if the old image size is used (Spring 19) then the old image is displayed within the new size vertically centered.  Remains the same
Winter 19 3:1 2176px x 726px Yes, the cropped versions are resized to a max of 1088px x 363px We save the cropped versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality


Profile images

Release Are the images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Yes, to 200px x 200px We save the cropped versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality

Profile cover image

Release Are the images resized? Are they compressed in any way?
Spring 19 Remains the same Remains the same
Winter 19 Yes the cropped versions are resized to a max of 746 px x 304 px We save the cropped versions in the same format as upload (PNG, JPG for example). For JPG we use 85% quality
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