What is Simpplr Native video?
As a premium feature, videos can easily be added to your Simpplr instance from any device. Videos are uploaded to, hosted on, and played directly in Simpplr.
Simpplr Native video is a paid add-on to your Simpplr subscription, and must be enabled at the application level by Simpplr. Contact your CSM for more information regarding pricing and enablement.- Add videos to pages, albums, events, and blogs
- Add videos to home or site feeds
- Video transcripts
- Search for videos
- Video details screen
- Simpplr Video analytics
- Videos in site folders
- Enable Simpplr Video
- Leadercast
- Edit or replace video thumbnails
- Video recording and file upload permissions
- Enable Native video
- Use cases & best practices
Add videos to pages, albums, events, and blogs
Videos can be added to pages, albums, events, and blogs. They can be uploaded to any content post or reply. You can also add a description to your video. Videos get stored as video files on the intranet site in which they were created.
- To upload a video to your content, click the camera icon in the toolbar to add it to the content body, or you can upload the video as an attachment.
- If you'd like to add a video to an album while publishing, click select from computer. If the album's already published, click add to album. You can also make videos the cover image of your album.
uploading a video to content body
attaching a video to content
uploading a video to an album
adding a video to an album after it's published
adding a video to a comment
Add videos to home or site feeds
Videos can be added to home or site feeds through posts and replies. You can select and upload multiple videos.
video upload on a feed post
adding a video to a reply
Upload videos in image and video tile
Users can also upload videos from the Image and Video tile in the home dashboard.
adding a video via image & video tile
Video transcripts
You can view the transcript of a video by clicking video details. If upgrading your version of Simpplr, all video transcripts stored on Simpplr prior to the upgrade will be saved, and videos that don’t have transcripts will have new transcripts automatically generated.
Closed captions
Click the CC icon at the bottom of the video player to activate closed captions and see captions for the video.
Playback speed
As of the Laki release, users are able to speed change the playback speed on any video, ranging from 0.25 to 2x speed.
Automatic transcript generation
When any video is uploaded to the feed, content, site files, or tiles, a transcript will be generated and stored with the video, and can be viewed while the video plays. The language of the video’s captions will match the default language of the uploader’s user profile. If other is selected for language, no transcript will be generated. If your profile language is set to English, but add a video in Spanish, the transcript will attempt to be written in English, resulting in gibberish text. You can change the video language from the video detail screen, and the captions/transcripts will be generated in the newly selected language.
Transcript search
You can use search from anywhere in the intranet to find text in a video’s transcript, and the corresponding video will be found in the Video search results. Only Video titles are searched and returned in top general search results, not Video transcripts or descriptions. To find specific video transcript content, you'll need to filter by Video only search results.
Search for videos
You can search for videos by title, description or transcript. Type your search into the Global search bar, and you'll see your video results under the Videos tab in grid view.
Auto-complete suggestions will be shown when searching for video content, as well as videos you’ve recently searched for. Search results will show the number of video captions the search keywords were found in, as well as which site the video is uploaded to.
video search results
Video details screen
Clicking video details will take you to the video details screen, where you can see the video’s:
- Title
- Owner
- File type
- Size
- Language
- Sites
- Date uploaded
- Transcript
- Description
- References
Edit video details
Clicking edit next to details lets a user with requisite file permissions edit the video’s name, description, and language. If a new language is selected for the video, a new transcript in that language will automatically be generated.
Simpplr video analytics
Simpplr Native video also comes with app-level analytics on your video content. App managers can see these metrics by heading to Analytics > App > Content tab and scrolling down to the bottom.
Analytics include:
- most viewed videos
- least viewed
- total viewers (of all videos)
- total videos played
- total video views (of all videos). Note the same viewer could watch a video more than once, and all those views will be added to this metric. So if John Smith watches the same video 10 times, 10 total views will be added
- total watch time (of all videos)
app-level video analytics
Videos in site folders
Simpplr Video introduces the Site videos folder and several new sub-folders for storing site videos. If Simpplr Video is enabled, your sites have three default folders:
- Content files
- Feed files
- Site videos
1. The Content files folder has three sub-folders:
- Images. Any images added as a cover image, in the content body, or as an attachment will be saved in the content images subfolder.
- Files. Any attached files will be saved to the files subfolder.
- Videos. Only visible if you have Simpplr video enabled. Any videos added to the content body or attached to content will be saved to the videos subfolder.
2. The Feed files folder also has three sub-folders:
- Images. Any images added to the feed will be saved in the images subfolder.
- Files. Any files added to the feed will be saved to the files subfolder.
- Videos. Only visible if you have Simpplr video enabled. Any videos added to the feed will be saved to the videos subfolder. This folder can only contain videos.
3. The Site videos folder is visible after enabling Simpplr Video on your platform.
- Videos uploaded in a site's Files section will be saved in the Site videos folder.
- Videos uploaded in any of a site's custom folders will instead be saved in the Site videos folder.
- Videos can be saved directly in the Site videos folder.
- Users with requisite permissions can create custom folders within the Site videos folder.
site's Files section, where videos can be uploaded directly to site
Adding videos to custom folders
You cannot add videos to custom folders. Adding a video to a custom folder will display a prompt that the video is saved to the Site videos folder instead. Any videos uploaded to a site outside of the site content or site feed will be saved to Site videos folder.
default folders in a site with Simpplr Video enabled
With a click of a button, Native video users can record video directly from their browser without additional software, and share it directly into the feed or add it to content.
Recording in feed
Launch the recorder from the feed and attach the recording directly to posts, comments, and replies. This can be done in:
- Feed posts/comments
- Feed replies
Recording in content (pages, events, albums, and blogs)
Launch the recorder from the content add/edit screen and attach the recording directly to the content body or add it to the album. This can be done in:
- Content body and attachment
- Album
How to record a video
1. Start by creating your content. From the text editor, click the Video icon. Launch the recorder (circle icon).
2. Wait for the recording countdown.
3. Recording is live.
4. Press the stop button to finish recording.
Once recording is complete, you can:
- Play the recording
- Edit the default recording name
- Download the recording to the computer (after initial recording is complete only; cannot download after a video has been published)
- Discard the current recording and re-record
- Add video to feed or content
- Enable autoplay so the video will start when users hover over it. Note, there might be a delay in enabling autoplay after uploading your video. The time required can vary depending on the video's format, size, and other factors
Videos recorded natively via Leadercast will be saved in WEBM format.
Edit or replace video thumbnails
Users with edit video permissions will be able to click into any video and edit or replace the thumbnail image. Editing the thumbnail image allows you to crop the image. The cropped image will shrink to fit smaller players like carousels and tiles.
You can also replace the image with an image from your computer. Video thumbnail image size recommendation is 1088 x 612 px, similar to content cover images.
To begin editing or replacing the thumbnail:
- From the video in question, click the information icon at the top right to open the video information modal.
- Click the ellipsis, then Edit video thumbnail or Replace video thumbnail.
Video recording and file upload permissions
App managers can decide who to allow video recording permissions for in Manage > Application > Governance > Leadercast. Choose either:
- Only App managers
- All employees
- Site owners/managers or specific users
App managers can manage video recording permissions for Site owners and managers. To do so, go to Manage > Application > Governance > File upload permissions.
To clarify permissions around Native video, the file upload permissions are the parent setting, and Leadercast (video recording) is the child one. For example, if upload permissions are set to image files only, users will not be able to upload/record video regardless of Leadercast permission.
In home feed, site feed, all types of content, and blog’s file attachment section, video recording ability will follow app level file upload permissions.
The content body/text editor will always have the record/attach videos button active if Native video is enabled in any org, regardless of any kind of app level settings. In other words, all users with content creation permissions will have the option to record or upload videos directly to content, and those videos will be saved to the site's Content files folder.
Enable Simpplr Video
Simpplr Native video is a paid add-on to your Simpplr subscription, and must be enabled at the application level by Simpplr. Contact your CSM for more information regarding pricing and enablement.
What is the maximum file size I can upload?
2 GB
What are the storage space limitations per user?
The maximum storage per user license for video is 5GB. Storage year over year is NOT aggregated. The annual limit is allocated throughout the customer's lifecycle on the platform. If storage is exceeded, videos must be removed in order to upload new ones.
Example of storage limitations: A 1,000 user organization on a 3-year contract will have an annual storage limit of 5TB. This equates to roughly 5,000 3-minute videos played 35,000 times throughout the year.
Which video formats are supported?
Ingest (Input) File Formats and Codecs
When uploading video to Simpplr Video, please note the video formats and codecs below have been tested and optimized for optimal transcoding input.
The Maximum Video Frame Size is 5000 x 5000.
Media File Formats
Mpeg-4 and QuickTime Formats (MP4, MOV, QT, and M4V), Flash Video (FLV and F4V), Microsoft Windows Formats (AVI, ASF, WMV and WMA), MPEG-1/2 (MPG, M1V, M2V, MP3), WAV, Matroska (MKV), OGG OGM & OGV, WEBM (videos recorded natively will be saved in this format), 3GP, RM, Webex (ARF), MXF
Video Codecs
DivX (Div3/4/5, DX50), DV, H.263, H.264 and AVC,H.265, MPEG-4 Visual, MPEG-1/2, MJPG, MP42/3, IV40/50 (Indeo codecs), RV30/40, RMVB, FLV1/4, VP3/5/6/7/8/9, Sorenson (SVQ1/3), Xvid, Theora, WMV1/2/3, VC1, ProRes 422, ICOD, DVCPRO, PXLT, TCSS/TCS2, GoToMeeting Codec (G2M3/4)
Audio Codecs
MP3, MP1/2, AC3, EAC3, AAC, Vorbis, AMR, PCM, WMA7/8/9, WMSpeech, FLAC, QDM2, RA, Nellymoser, Cook, GSM, SPEEX
Supported File Extensions
The following file extension are supported:
flv, asf, qt ,mov, mpg ,mpeg, avi, wmv, mp4, m4v, 3gp, vob, f4v, mkv, mxf, mts, ts, rm, arf, webm, lxf, m4v
How fast can videos be processed and uploaded?
With a 10 mbps connection, a 5 MB video should ideally take 6-15 seconds. Be aware that larger video files will take longer to upload. Generally speaking:
- Processing time for MP4 format: Uploading a 10 MB, 5-minute MP4 video typically takes between 20-25 seconds
- Processing time for Webm format: A 5-minute video recorded in-product produces a nearly 80 MB file that takes up to 2 minutes to process
Can video be downloaded on mobile?
No, only on web. Videos cannot be downloaded after publication. You can only download a video after the recording and before you publish the content.
Where are the video files stored and hosted?
Videos are stored and organized in the folder “Files” within your intranet. Videos are hosted and secured at Kaltura. As for the hosting service, Simpplr partners with Kaltura’s enterprise solution for corporate communication, and is using Kaltura’s video technology to provide and host all Native video capabilities. Kaltura is a SOC2 compliant service.
Who can create and upload videos?
By default, all users will have access to create videos once the feature is enabled on your instance. This show the product was designed. However, there is an available workaround for organizations who don't wish to allow full access to all their users. Follow the instructions here for more information.
How is total watch time measured on videos?
Total watch/viewing time is measured in hours with decimal point So if your number is 97.6, that means the total watch time is 97.6 hours.
Use cases and best practices
We've created a separate article to help you with best practices and suggested use cases around Native video. Click this link to check it out!
Is there anyway to upload a video, but keep it in 'draft format' without it being accessible to all as new content? This is desirable for content rollouts where you want to make sure the info is staged, ready, but not released.
Hi Rose! When attaching a video to a piece of content, you can certainly leave the content as a whole in Draft. That will ensure End users can't see the content or the video until it's published. However, if adding video to a dashboard via Feed or a tile, there is no draft stage. Once you publish the feed post or create the tile, the video is visible to those who have access. You could always come back and edit the published content, tile or feed post and upload the video to it when it's ready to go.
Is it possible to edit the video thumbnail image that pulls through for videos? We have a video we want to showcase but the graphic for the video within Simpplr pulled a funky facial expression. I haven't found a way to do so yet but would love to have that option!
Hi Regan. Unfortunately this is currently not a possibility with Native video. But the enhancement request for it has been filed with our Product team, and has a high demand to receive attention.
Is Total Viewing Time data in hours? We have a video with TVT at 207.1
Hi Michael, great question. Total viewing time is measured in hours. I'll add this info to the article.
Is there a way to embed an audio file into a page so that it opens in a player like videos do? It seems clunky to force users to download an audio file before playing it, but I can't find a way around that.
Hi Michelle. This is actually an idea our Product team has on the backlog now. We'll be introducing a native way to include audio files in content just like you would with video files. I'm not sure the exact release, but it is scoped for some time this year.
In the meantime, while I don't have a perfect workaround, I've tried a few embed code snippets in the past that have worked for me. Your audio file will just need to be hosted online somewhere that is accessible and shareable.
I made this video you can watch in addition to this comment.
If you haven't, try using custom HTML to embed this iframe to your content:
For the src URL, if you're pulling from a hosting service like google Drive for example, you may need to change where the URL says "view" to "preview". So for example, I have this link:
Where it says "view", I would need to change that to "preview" in order for the file to play in my Simpplr content.
Let me know if this works for you.
Hi, Matthew! Linda in Boise here. We love the auto-caption feature, but it has misspelled one of our founder's names. How can we edit the caption file?
Hey Linda! This is not currently available, but is on our product roadmap for an expected 24.09 release, which is around September.
Is there a way to livestream an event? Or feed a live stream into the platform?
Hi Keith. While this is somewhat technically possible via a Zoom HTML widget and a lot of behind-the-scenes work, unfortunately there's no easy or technical way to livestream in the platform. But I've made sure our Product team is aware of this for consideration in a future release.
Hi, Matthew,
Is there a way to share videos stored in Drive on a page? The "shared link" doesn't work. We don't have Native video, so we typically share videos via Vimeo. But that's a corporate account, so employees with videos have to loop me in to help with that.
I guess YouTube might be an option? But again, that's our corporate YouTube account.
Hi Michelle. If you don't want to use YouTube or a similar hosting service, you could download the video from Google Drive (if you have the permissions to do so), then upload that video file as an attachment to your content. Users wouldn't be able to watch it directly as an embed on the content, but they could watch it by clicking the file attachment.
Matthew, are you saying that we could attach the video to a page? If so, how would we do that?
Or, are you saying to just link to the video from the page with a regular link?
Hi Michelle. I made this video to show what I mean. Hope this helps!
Hi Matthew, apologies if I've missed this. Is there a setting that we can change in Newsletters that allows the video to work directly in the email message? At the moment, we can see the little Play button but when clicked it redirects to our intranet and then we have to click again on the video. We want to be able to watch the video within the email without the redirect. Thanks.
Hi Natasha. This actually isn't possible due to security concerns. Users must be logged in to the intranet to see videos, and in addition, emails can be shared with anyone, even outside the organization, so the ability to play videos directly in the email opens the door for outside sharing, which would be a major security issue. Hope that helps!
Hi - Is there a way to edit the auto generated closed captions yet? You mentioned previously it was targeted for the 24.09 release but I can't see the feature or know how to access it.
Hi Thomas. Unfortunately the feature was delayed until the 25.01 release (January).
Very excited that we can now modify the video thumbnail! What is the ideal size for the thumbnail - is it 1088x612, similar to a page image?
Hi Michael. That's exactly right. Video thumbnail recommendation is 1088 x 612 px, similar to content cover images.
Hello! I am trying to edit the auto generated captions on a native video. A couple of our product names were misspelled. Is there a way to do this?
Hi Marlies. As of now there isn't a ways to edit transcripts in video. However, this will be a future enhancement in 2025.
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