Is there a way to add a field to a Simpplr People Report in Salesforce to show # logins or last log-in?

Hi all!

We're just over a month since going live. I am using a report to see which of our users have logged in for their first time, and want to now see who's logged in a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time. Is there a Salesforce field (for a People Report) that would enable us to see total # of logins per user or last login date? 

Thank you!



  • Official comment

    Hi Jeremy. You're actually able to go into Salesforce as the system admin user and run a "login history" report. This is essentially a long list of all users who have logged in in the last 6 months. It's not a report really, but you can export it to Excel to create a report. Here's the Salesforce help article that walks you through how to set it up.

    But in short, here are the instructions. From Salesforce: 

    1. Head to Setup, then type Login History into the Quick Find box.
    2. This brings up a list of all logins from the last 6 months. You can download it as a CSV or GZIP file, as well as filter the view however you want.


    Hope this helps!

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  • Thanks, Matthew! This worked for what I needed. 

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  • Super helpful for me too. Thank you!

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