Active Directory allows you to segment users into groups, utilizing your existing Active Directory groups for creating audiences in Simpplr. This can save you a lot of effort when creating and managing large audiences.
You must be using Active Directory as your org's syncing source in order to create Active Directory audiences.- Connect Active Directory
- Create/Delete bulk audiences using AD groups
- Manually create audience using AD groups
- Migrate existing AD users to AD groups
- Use AD audience with other features
Simpplr does not support Distribution Groups.Connect Active Directory
1. As the Active Directory global admin user and an App manager in Simpplr, in your Simpplr account, go to Manage > App > Integrations > People data.
2. When you connect to your admin account for the first time, you'll be given the option to use Active Directory groups.
3. If you select Use Active Directory groups, you'll be directed to the Active Directory groups modal. Choose which Active Directory groups you want to use later as Audience membership. When creating Active Directory group based Audiences, the groups selected here will appear as options.
- This feature will add to existing App Management capabilities to enable Active Directory Groups to be used for Audience members.
- The entire list of an organization’s Groups can be fetched and any subset can be enabled for use in Audience creation.
Note: Selected groups will automatically sync every 24 hours through scheduled jobs, to ensure Audiences reflect the updated groups data.
Creating/Deleting Bulk Audience using Active Directory groups
Once the AD groups have been selected, App managers can choose to create or delete bulk audiences automatically.
1. The Create audiences option allows them to automatically generate bulk audiences, one audience respective to each selected Active Directory group.
2. The Do not create audiences option deletes all the automatically created audiences.
Manually create audience using Active Directory groups
App managers can also create any custom Audience manually using one or more Active Directory groups as Audience members. The Select by Active Directory group can be found in Add audience. To get there, head to your user menu, then Manage > Audiences. App managers can select the groups for one or more group types and create a new Audience.
Only previously enabled groups by the App manager are available here as groups options.
Migrate existing Active Directory users to AD groups
Existing users who already had Active Directory accounts connected will be given a prompt on the Integrations screen, informing them that if they wish to migrate to the new Active Directory groups, reconnection of the AD account is required.
Once they disconnect and reconnect the account, Active Directory groups will be available for use.
Use Active Directory Audience with other features
Similar to the existing Audience members functionality, we can continue to use the Active Directory groups Audiences with other features like Subscriptions, Alerts, Newsletters and Social campaigns.
Once an audience is created, are new employees automatically added to an audience from the employee database we have connected (we use Success Factors)? or do we have to do a manually re-create of each audiences each week?
Hi Rob. If you created the audience using user attributes, then yes, any new employee assigned an attribute that was included in the Audience list will be automatically added to that audience. But you can also update your audiences manually at any time.
Thanks, Matthew. Yes, we're using the user attributes. Appreciate the confirmation!
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