How do I specify the email address the feedback form should sent to?

This has to be done by the App manager. Note, the Help & feedback discussed in this article is NOT for reporting issues or tickets to Simpplr Support. This link is designed for your company's end users to submit their own questions to the intranet management team. For reporting issues, bugs, or feature requests to our Simpplr team, submit a ticket on this Knowledge Base. Also note that feedback left in this modal is shared with the Simpplr research team in addition to the designated email address that App managers set.


The Help & feedback link discussed in this article is separate from content feedback left by users on a specific piece of content. For more information on content feedback, click here. It's also worth noting that on the same Help & feedback link, users can opt in to participate in Simpplr product research. There is no way to disable the option for users to participate in product research. 

At the bottom of each page in Simpplr, all users are able to submit feedback and help requests using the Help & Feedback link. They also have the option to participate in product research to help Simpplr enhance our product. Note, there is no way to disable the option for users to participate in product feedback.
help and feeback email setup new.gif


Once users have entered the feedback, Simpplr will send the feedback to the email address specified in Manage application settings. The App manager can set up the email address (or multiple email addresses) that feedback gets sent to. To do so:

  1. From your user profile image, go to Manage > Application.
  2. Go to Setup > General.
  3. Scroll down to Help & Feedback. Enter the email addresses in the Feedback recipients field.  If no email address is entered here, the Help & feedback link will be disabled on users' dashboards. You can also share the feedback with Simpplr by checking the Share feedback with Simpplr box.
    help and feeback email setup new.gif
  4. When finished, scroll down and click Save.

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