Page Templates


Page templates provide a simpler way to create pages with reusable formatting and content. 

Create a template

Site owners, managers, and content managers can create a page template in a site to be shared throughout content in that site.

  1. From the site dashboard of the site(s) you own/manage, go to Manage site > Page templates.
  2. Click the + symbol and New template.
  3. Enter a template name. This is the only mandatory field.
  4. Add your content, page category, content type, and topics as you normally would when creating a page. While only template name is required, it’s recommended you create page formatting so when users are creating content, it matches uniformly. We also recommend inputting the page category and labeling the content as News or Knowledge.

All fields will be saved and pre-populated when creating another page with this template in the future.

Manage templates

Templates can be accessed in the Page templates tab from Manage site. You can do the following with single templates or templates in bulk:

  • Edit a template
  • Duplicate a template
  • Move templates from one site to another
  • Delete a template completely. This will not affect the Pages created before by using the template
  • Disable a template. Disabled templates can’t be used to create pages, but they will not be deleted from the system.

Create a page using a template

When creating a page, open the Use template dropdown and select a template. The template’s content and fields will populate the page. No template is selected by default.




  • Q: Are page templates available at the system level or site level?
    • A: Page templates are currently only available at the site level. We have system-level templates upcoming in the roadmap.
  • Q: How can I use the same template across different sites?
    • A: You can duplicate a template and move it to another site you manage.
  • Q: If I manage or make changes to a template (delete, move, disable, edit), will that impact the pages created using that template?
    • A: No. Once the page is created from a template, it won’t be affected by changes to the template.
  • Q: Is it possible for the user to create a page without using any template?
    • A: Yes, by default the template dropdown is selected as ‘No template’ for page creation.
  • Q: Is the template selection dropdown in the page creation modal visible even when there is no template available? 
    • A: No, the dropdown doesn’t appear until at least one template is created.
  • Q: How can we remove a template from the template selection dropdown?
    • A: We can either disable or delete the template from the site. Disabling will temporarily remove the template until it’s enabled again.


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  • I have someone a part of my team who has tried to use the Page Templates and she's encountered some issues.

    Sometimes the templates don't allow her to copy/paste the necessary information to the body of the page. She can clear cache and cookies and it will work for a short while. However, she doesn't always have this kind of time, so she just defaults back to what she did before Page Tamplates were relased.This has happened 3 times and she've given up using the templates for now. Have other users encoutered similar issues? 

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  • Hey Megan! Sorry to hear you'er having issues with the feature. It's definitely not intended to work this way, and does sound like it could be a bug. If you don't mind, could you open a ticket with our Support team to dig into this further? 

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