Support Case Lifecycle

After you submit a ticket (link here), we will respond to your requests via a combination of the order they were received and the severity they are assigned based on the issue type. More info on case severity can be found here.

Tickets are submitted in the New status and are assigned a target-first reply time based on the issue type. Once we have replied to your initial inquiry and are awaiting feedback from you, the ticket will move to the Pending status. If we have identified that we need to work internally to resolve this issue, we will update you and move the ticket to On-hold, and update you accordingly. If the ticket is in the Open status, this means that we have received your reply and we will respond once we have an update for you. Solved tickets have either been automatically closed after 10 days in Pending or manually moved to solved once the client has confirmed the resolution with Support. 

Ticket Status Description
New Freshly created ticket, no action taken yet.
Pending Support has responded, waiting on client action.
On-Hold Ticket may be pending a release or further action from client or Support. 
Open Default status once a ticket has been updated from the client.
Solved Ticket has been resolved.

Our goal is always to respond to your requests efficiently with the most appropriate answers for you. However, our roles here in Support often reach cross-departmentally to find the most complete resolution for you. Please let us know if you have an urgent timeline on a resolution so we can work with our internal resources to help meet your deadlines!

At any point, if you feel that your ticket is not handled correctly please feel free to comment "escalate me" and this will alert our Support leadership team to help review. 

Once a ticket is in Pending status, automatic emails will be sent to you to remind you that we are waiting on a response. If you feel the ticket has been completed, just let us know and we will solve it. Otherwise, you will receive two emails before the ticket closes automatically after 10 days of no response.

Once your ticket is marked as Solved, you still have 10 days to respond to it to keep the ticket open. Once the 10 days have passed, responding to the solved ticket will open a follow-up ticket that will alert Support to the contents of the previous ticket. This helps us pick up where we left off! 

Example target-first reply times are available in our terms of service, which you can review on the Simpplr website here. Please note that some customers have stricter SLAs so these times may not be specifically relevant to your organization. Please reach out to your CSM if you have questions regarding SLAs. 

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  • But where do I go to see the status of my open tickets?

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  • Hi Laurie. If you check within the Zendesk ticket under “Status” in the “My Requests” section, or you can see more detail.

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